We cannot die

Death is a word that it's used when there is an irreversable cessation of circulatory, respiratory or brain function, in short words, the person doesn't live anymore. People often belive that death is forever, and some believe that we rebirth after dying, but come to think of it, is death even real? i don't think so, if death exist, living shouldn't exist, and if life exist, dying shouldn't exist, both of these cannot coexist. We can't be immortal and mortal together, i am not the first one to talk about it, Aristotle did it first to criticize Plato, and then Epicurus did the same, he thought about a medicine called "four-drug" to chase away fears, such as death, he said that we aren't living, we are just atoms all together so we can't die. Dying is just an action for the human body to say that we do not exist anymore in the earth world, we don't feel a thing anymore in the earth world, and that's what humans are afraid of, they don't know what they are expecting and they don't want to not feel, they want to live, to continue stay among other people because they are afraid of loneliness, which is a part that comes with death. They don't realize that what they are doing right now is just a world that they wanted to create to satisfy their needs, even if it's the worst life of ever, you are still creating what you want to perceive, but that doesn't mean that you deserve it, that's how we don't live. All the friends, family, memories, pain, emotion, five senses, anything doesn't exist. You can only accept that so that you can live your human life how you always dreamed of it. And if you accept it, death doesn't sound so scary, not even pleasurable, as you aren't feeling something, because those feeling are created by you. Death is only a word to represent the cessation of nothing.

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