American Treasure Tour (w/ photos)

I could die maybe. I recently took a day to visit American Treasure Tour in Oaks, PA (if you're near there i absolutely recommend it) and i found it genuinely lifechanging. Its one anonymous guy's collection of bullshit and random items strewn about an ex-tire factory (that is INCREDIBLY hot. dear god). they drag you around in a tram and you get hella overstimulated and its great. seeing as most of this shit could in some way be considered historical i found it the perfect place to bring a geriatric digital camera and snap some grainy pictures. Some of them turned out completely awful thanks to my slow shutter and moving vehicle, but here's some of the ones that didn't.
RaggediesRaggedy Ann merchandise. There were 2 1/2 more shelves of this. I love this stuff i would've gone if this was the whole museum. But it's not! If you hate clowns maybe skip the next photo.
Automatons. There were way, way more of these, these happen to be Just The Clowns. they are all lovely.
Part of the christmas room. i love that sad droopy reindeer more than anything. I think she's sad because they separated her from another near-identical one across the room. they were obviously a pair. i think that's mean.
Easter room! BUNNIES!!! I LOVE BUNNIES!!! i could live in this room i think. how lovely.
Whole wall of plastic halloween masks. Local-ish company, went down in 1995 and the owner of this place bought their ENTIRE leftover stock. i think hes crazy.but we already knew that.
STARS OF THE SHOW. ENTIRE REASON I CAME. the un-retrofitted set of warblettes were having some trouble but otherwise they worked very well. i took a video too, which you can find here! I was so far away from them :(((
Uranium glass. 'nuff said. it's awesome.
I respect these snack robots so much. i would trust them to make me some popcorn.
Anyway, that's all. i feel like this site is the right audience for crispy photos of nostalgic garbage (i say with the utmost love) so here ya go. hope you enjoy. hope some of you maybe even go here.

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