So, today I discovered the AA stageplays! In fact there's a YT playlist with all of them with English subtitles!!! Right now, I'm watching Turnabout Spotlight and it's soooooooo good!!!
I think that as a western video game fan, I get too used to adaptations that are either mid at best of horribly adapted at worst! So, this is a breath of fresh air! Without spoiling anything, all of the stageplays perfectly keep the silly yet edge-of-your-seat feeling the games have while also enhancing it!!! Certain mediums lend themself to more than others, in the case of a live action stageplay, visual comedy is what shines here!!! For example, Gumshoe breakdancing when he slips on a banana peel as a stand in for cartoonishly falling is pure gold!!!
It's a real fun lens to experience AA and I can't recommend it enough!!!
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