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Category: Books and Stories

Out of Place- Episode 1: The Same As it Always Is

 I stepped out into the night; the warm air was thick and humid. Things were the same as they always are. I looked from my front porch to the house across the street. Dell must be at work already, I thought to myself. I sat down and started to think about how long I had known Dell, it had only been about three years but it feels like we've been together forever. Dell seemed a bit peculiar in my eyes, he's always alert and always ready to help, so I suppose he's strange in good ways. Something that's less strange to me is that he works nights, which funny enough is typically weird to others. I looked up into the clear sky, the stars shone through the inky black, no moon that night. The stars are bright in our neighborhood. I sat for a little longer in the still air of that night, allowing the frogs and cicadas to engulf me in their song.

 I stood up and went inside, it'd probably be another five hours or so before Dell returned back to his home across the street from me. I figured that I could find a way to kill some time until he came back. I stood by my front door for a while looking into my living room and thinking about what I could possibly do for that long. I wandered into my kitchen, thinking of recipes I could try and then promptly remembering I don't have any food in my fridge. I enjoy the nights for the solitude and serenity they bring but at the same time they can be so dull! I made my way to my room to see if there was anything I could do. I thought of all the books I could read but found I didn't want to do anything at all. So I decided to just lay down for a while, thinking more about nothing in particular. The cool, fluffy carpet was always a good spot to do nothing at all. After a long time of staring at the ceiling I thought it was probably time to go out. 

 Like every night, I went back outside and sat back down on my porch and waited for Dell to come home. His grey SUV pulled into his driveway and he got out of the car, on his way into his house he checked his watch and turned towards me. He waved to me and I waved back. Our nightly routine. We both went into our houses. I've learned that we can't really hangout after he comes home because he needs to sleep so I usually just spend the rest of the morning waiting until I have to go to work. 

 When morning comes, the sun burning the horizon and the birds leading their chorus, I leave for work. I actually quite enjoy work, it gives me something to do throughout the day so I don't have to stay home or bother Dell all the time. I drove to my office and sat down at my desk, ready for another seven hours of minesweeper. Nothing all that interesting happened that day. Nothing all that interesting ever happens there but the change of scenery is nice. I also just enjoy the sounds of chatter, of people pointlessly rushing around, the clack of keyboards, and the low hum of lights and printers. It was almost a perfect day, that is until Tammy came up to me during lunch asking me about quality of work or something. 

 “Dave, do you even know what we do here?” She asked me rather accusingly.

 I told her something about everything getting done and headed out to grab something to eat. But I had thought about what she said so much that I got mad and decided I didn't want to go back to work. So I didn't.


 Dell answered the door.

 “You want to hangout?” I asked as he opened the door.

 “Yeah!” He said, “You got anything in mind?” 

 “Not particularly.” I looked around. I hadn't really wanted to do anything specific at all that week.

 “You want to watch a show? I’ve been wanting to rewatch some stuff.”

 “Sure!” I don't usually understand Dells shows but I enjoy spending time with him and he enjoys his series.

 We walked into his house together, travel guides littered his desk and his house smelled of sweet tea as always. He picked out a show about vampires and werewolves. I didn't really know what was happening but he likes to tell me things about it so I followed as closely as I could. It was a good night. Many episodes, conversations, and snacks later, he had to go to work. I watched him pull away from his driveway and take off to whatever it is that he does. 

 Things were the same as they always are. I walked home under the stars. 

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