You know the moment when you relize why that friend is just your friend instead of your best friend?

Yesterday I went with my friend to buy some books, and everything was going great, but then my mind just collapsed and I didn't know what to talk about.

Usually when that happens my bestie try to say something silly or just make a comfortable silence because she knows I get so nervous when that happens.

But she seemed to be angry about this, and started looking at her phone.

Also, when we were eating, I started talking about some controversies that have happened on the Spanish-speaking part of the internet, and I already knew that we have different thoughts, but I thought I could talk about our different conclusions freely, but I felt scared when she asked my opinion, because she looked at me like “If you don't agree I'm going to leave you”. So I just said I agreed.

I still love her, she's a good friend after all, but it's sad to notice this kind of things.

2 Kudos


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