name:: Samual
nickname:: cyclone
how old are you:: 13
zodiac sign:: Gemini
current location:: lunch
eye color:: brown
hair color:: Brown
hair type:: curly (MOUTHWASHING REF??)
hieght:: 5’7
your heritage:: American
what's your middle name:: Skibbiti gyatt rizzler (it’s been passed down for many generations)
shoe's you wore today:: converse
your weakness:: I got too many 💔
your fear: loud noises and flashing lights
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no
do you want to:: not really
goal you would like to achieve this year:: animate
first thought when you wake up:: the dream I had
best physical feature:: my hair
who is your bestest freind:: LANDON
when is your bedtime:: 10:30 - 12:00
your most cherished memory:: finally being part of something
pepsi or coke:: coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: McDonald’s
singel or group dates:: it depends on who im with
what is the last song you sang:: I forgor 💀
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: yes it does.
what is your biggest pet peeve:: people in general
do you drink:: no
ever been drunk:: no
do you smoke:: No
do you "SMOKE":: No?
do you sing:: yez I do
what color underwear do you have on:: kys
do you want to go to college:: yes
have you ever been in love:: yea
do you wnat to get married:: in the future yes
do you believe in yourself:: sometimes
do you believe inothers:: sometimes
do you like thunderstorms:: yes 😻
do you play an instrument:: TRUMPET
what do you want to be when you grow up:: coroner
what country would you like to visit:: idk
how many CD's do you own:: one
how many DVD's do you own:: none
how many tattoo's do you have:: none
how many piercings do yo have:: 0
how many things in the past do you regeret:: nothing (lair)
shoes:: converse
radio station:: Idk
drink:: coke
car:: bug
place:: hot topic.
song:: err idk
movie:: IDK
moment:: skibidi
color:: black/red
meal:: STEAK
favorite eye color:: any
favorite hair color:: any
short or long hair:: any
height:: idc
body type:: idc
does ethnicity matter:: No
piercings:: idc
tattoos:: idc
what is todays date: 12/16/24
what time is it:: 11:30 AM
who are you thinking of:: Her :33
what are you listening to:: nothing
do you love someone: her
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: dude???
does someone love you:: I think
is it raining:: No 💔
how many myspace friends do you have:: 52
are you happy:: very
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