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Category: Life

Introduction to the Author - please read to the end.

Hey everyone, I know I haven't been very active on here and I'll be honest, that might not improve, so I think the least I owe you is a proper introduction. To start, the last couple weeks have been full of problems and unwelcome changes; family members were sick and KiKi was having a rough week because of added stress in his environment, which led to me having more important things than posting lol.

Now here's the backstory; my name is ZJ, and I'm a 20 year old burnt out kid who's trying to balance a few too many things. I take care of my little brother KiKi while my parents are at work (he's 16 but mentally a toddler, which leads to some fun situations), and am trying to write and advertise a story in down time between life, chores, and self-schooling. My mental health is not the best, and on top of that my body is being a pain (a common occurrence tbh).

I dealt with chronic pain for most of my pre and early teens, and had trouble getting proper medical attention towards it (shocker, I know). Finally when I was 16 the pain got bad enough that I ended up in the ER, which - thanks to one person willing to listen - led to a fortunately quick process through MRIs and doctors appointments. We found what's called a 'labral tear'; torn cartilage in the hip joint, causing inflammation. At 17, I went through two surgeries, one on each side, hopefully fixing them.

Over the last month or so, I've been experiencing mild bursts of pain and/or weakness that I attributed to stress or moving wrong, etc. Then, yesterday I was in the middle of washing dishes and suddenly found myself struggling to stand. I realized at that point that something was seriously wrong.

I have an appointment on Tuesday with the specialist that did my surgeries, and while I'm hoping he says I'm overreacting or that it's all in my head, I know that's probably not what I'm going to hear. From my current understanding, the initial surgeries were more or less a one-shot attempt due to the severity of damage, so I have no idea what the current plan is if I'm right and there is something wrong.

This is in no way a pity party; I don't want attention, in fact I'd rather be doing anything than typing this post and dealing with this bs. But this means that I'm going to be dealing with even more stress and possible appointments, which will cut down on my mental and physical capacity to post on here, and probably to work on my story as well. I don't know how long this will be affecting me, so I figured better to fess up now and have it (smh, hopefully) be a fluke, than to have to write this later.

Prayers, good vibes... whatever your thing is, whoever it goes out to, anything would be appreciated. I'll keep ya'll updated if you want, and try to post when I can. Thank you for the support for my story, and I'm sorry.

4 Kudos


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SKULLDEER_1's profile picture

no apologies here!! This is nothing to be sorry for. I’m glad you’ve realized that your well being is paramount to your digital presence!!!! This all sounds so unbelievably stressful and idk how you’ve managed juggling responsibilities while being in sm pain! You are more strong than you probably know. Wishing you all the best of course!!!!!

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Thank you so much for your kind words, as for juggling... practice? Practice and necessity lol. And I wish you all the best as well! :)

by StoryTeller; ; Report

oh I see!! Thank you and you’re very welcome ^_^

by SKULLDEER_1; ; Report


Hazel's profile picture

Please do not apologize for being in pain.

It’s nice to know the storyteller’s own story, and it all sounds like you have a great responsibility on yourself. Being a parent to your sibling, that’s not easy work, on top of roughing through painful injuries. I’ll send you the best wishes for a solid recovery.

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Thank you friend, 'ppreciate ya. And he's a good kid most days, so that ofc helps; I wouldn't trade him for the world lol. I hope your day's going well :)

by StoryTeller; ; Report