possible mommy izzues

does anyone ever cry at the ending of Matilda??? or was that just me,, every time I watch Matilda with people I find myself holding back tears, or when I'm alone I end up crying at the end of the movie when she gets adopted by miss honey. I'm in foster care and never had a mother while I was growing up so I guess that makes sense. i always wonder why I cant have what she had while growing up, I still do I wish I didn't. 

this also goes for when I see a father and daughter together, I feel some hatred or jealousy, I feel selfish for it. I really do, I kinda had a father and mother up until I was six and than I got taken into foster care, up to this day I rarely saw them now they are both dead. 

pretty forward I think but I was just wondering if I only feel this way.

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(DON'T CLICK IF EPILEPTIC...'s profile picture

(TW FOR A YOUNG YOUNG MINOR [3-4 yr old me] SEEING "STUFF" FOR THE FIRST TIME)Idk shi abt Matilda except the ending scene and how she had awful parents bc I didn't pay attention to it in school (it was a field trip day so it was in the auditorium) but I can understand for mommy issues but for different reasons, basically I was abt a year old, my dad was out of prison (I assume, I forgot why he was arrested but ik that he was framed by his sister), my bio (I refuse to call her mom) was mentally screwed at the time so she had abandoned me, fast forward 1-3 years later, my dad had dated a woman (I also refuse to call her mom too, but for a diff reason), and basically she had loved him more than she loved me, now here's the uncomfy part, one day, I had saw her do "something" do my dad, and it traumatized me in the way of "what's she doing??? What's happening???" Idk what happened after that except she left too, then idk how long later but I was 4, my current mom came into the picture, to me she actually felt like a mother BC she had actually stayed with me, however she used to fight with my dad a lot back then bc my dad at the time didn't understand what she was doing and that it was bc she has a lot of disorders (basically she has the same brain wiring as me except she has a whole lot more trauma), but it has stopped a lot, only time screaming happens now is whenever my mom goes into an episode where she wants to leave, but everything else had been better since- but I can understand why Matilda would remind you of that

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cereza's profile picture

i understand this but for different reasons - i was neglected and saw my parents fighting almost every day, matilda was a big big part of my childhood and what comforted me despite all the chaos. i wanted what miss honey and matilda had and i still hold back tears and such watching the end. i think a lot of people wanted or still want what they had ngl, everyone i've talked to about the movie envies their relationship
i don't think it helps that mara wilson's real life mother had died during film production. the movie and its history just tugs on a lot of peoples heartstrings, sometimes in ways they don't even realize

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happy knowing theirs other people that feels this way, makes it feel less alone,,

by juicejuicexo; ; Report