Xx_alice.GUTZ_xX's profile picture

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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

abt me


name: Alice

nickname: don't have one 

how old are you: 14 

zodiac sign: aries

current location: my home  

eye color: brown  

hair color: brown and pink 

hair type: 1a? (pin straight) 

height: 160 cm 

your heritage: chinese 

what's your middle name: dont have one  

shoe's you wore today: converse 

your weakness: homeless dogs/cats (i wanna take them home)

your fear: old men 

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: no

do you want to: kinda 

goal you would like to achieve this year: 4.0+ gpa 

first thought when you wake up: whats the time 

best physical feature: idk

who is your bestest friend: dont have one (sounds sad but rly isn't) 

when is your bedtime: when im tried 

your most cherished memory: getting my dog + being born 

pepsi or coke: coke  

mc donalds or burgerking: raising canes 

single or group dates: single?

what is the last song you sang: 2 much love for 1 woman  

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: yeah 

what is your biggest pet peeve: people who ask me insensitive questions

do you drink: no  

ever been drunk: no

do you smoke: no

do you sing: yeah but badly 

what color underwear do you have on: uh (light pink) 

do you want to go to college: yes 

have you ever been in love: no  

do you want to get married: no

do you believe in yourself: kinda

do you believe in others: sometimes 

do you like thunderstorms: yes 

do you play an instrument: not anymore

what do you want to be when you grow up: orthodontist or piercer  

what country would you like to visit: thailand (yummy food) 

how many CD's do you own: at least 30 :/

how many DVD's do you own: zero lol

how many tattoo's do you have: none

how many piercings do yo have: 2 (lobes) 

how many things in the past do you regret: a lot 


shoes: new rocks 

radio station: idk 

drink: lemonade with pebble ice (only pebble ice) 

car: volkswagen beatle 

place: my home when I was 8

song: vital signs (might change) 

movies: shrek i dunno 

moment: when my dad burned our house down (by accident) 

color: purple 

meal: spaghetti with tomato sauce, extra cheese, and lots of black pepper (my ultimate hyper fixation)  


what is todays date: 8/4/24 

what time is it: 10:18

who are you thinking of: shrek eating a chipotle burrito bowl 

what are you listening to: the rain outside 

do you love someone: myself 

do you know where your mechanical bull is: in my dreams (why tf r mechanical bulls thousands of dollars) 

does someone love you: my mom... 

is it raining: yes 

how many myspace friends do you have: 132

are you happy: kinda 

got this from pimp my profile btw

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