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Category: Life

i need a little help. was i shitty for throwing a water balloon at a kid who wont stop screaming?

hear me out, I know this isn't reddit but I refuse to use it and I think I wanna hear the opinion of people my age or around my age.

ok so every day for the pass week there was a kid outside who would just scream for like 15 minuets then stop and run away. it was every MORNING for the past WEEK and i cant sleep properly bc of that little shit. you will properly say just close the window or sm, but even WITH closed windows i can still hear him clear as day as our walls are very thin and its HOT rn and i need air. so when he came again yesterday i still filled up a ballon with watter and threw it at him, hitting him in the procces. 

he didnt see me so he doesnt know its me but he began crying and ran away. i didnt hear him this morning so my plan worked but a friend of mine is called me a asshole bc it was a kid and he didnt know better but i think thats bullshit so i want the opinon fron random strangers instead 

2 Kudos


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ArmoredAlchemist's profile picture

And you didn't try, like... saying "Hey man, can you keep it down, people are trying to sleep"? If that's the case then yeah, dick move. I mean it'd be one thing if the kid had already been asked to stop and refused to do so, but throwing something at someone without trying to talk it out first ain't cool. Sure, maybe it's physically fairly harmless, but cmon.

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Statiscit 🍉

Statiscit 🍉's profile picture

I’m sorry but that’s so funny to me imo yeah it’s kind of a jerk move but at the same time I don’t think I’d hesitate to do that either but I probably wouldn’t cuz my mom would get mad at me. Idk I think the action was rather harmless, it’s water. Kid could just change his shirt and plus it’s summer so idk maybe u were doing him a fever in the scorching heat

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