Danganronpa 3 anime highkey ass

Don't get me wrong it had some interesting concepts some good art and I fucking love danganronpa, danganronpa is so good when u don't have a bitch in yo ear telling u it's trash. But oh my god.

Oh my god. That shit was so ass it highkey pissed me off n it's really hard to get media to piss me off. I was yelling at my friends who know shit all about danganronpa about this shit i was so mad abt this and I say this as someone who actually LIKES a lot of things others in the fandom hate. (Cough cough v3 cough cough case 3 in sd2)

Anyways class 77-b u will always be peak idc if u were terrorists u guys served (except teruteru........ dear fucking God teruteru 😐)

4 Kudos


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