Entry #1 My Values and a goal for the future

Entry #1

For the last few months I have been experiencing a lot of change in my life and I know that it is only going to increase from now on, I'll finish my 18th lap around the sun, finish high-school and go to university, this has made me think a lot about who I am and what I value, what describes me and what I achieve to become, In relation to my career and future (I could make another blog post in relation to interpersonal Relationships later, because if I mixed it all in here it would be way to long and hard to write)

Since I was little the two qualities that I have taken the most pride on and I feel represent me the best are my Creativity and my Curiosity, and I think that these 2 qualities have been sort of a guide in the way that I Approach life and what have helped me to set my hopes, interests, Relationships and goals.

This has helped understand (to a certain degree) the things that I value the most and think of as important.

I value the pursuit of knowledge, learning new things has always been fascinating for me, and I always try to learn as much as I can from each experience I live through, I believe that this helps me a lot to constantly grow as a person and even if sometimes experience are awful I'll try to at least find a way to grow from them.

Also I really value artistic expression, and I love the way it is sort of a reflection of the soul of the artist, how it helps us interpret the people that make the art, ourselves and the world around us. It's also fascinating the many ways in which art can be represented, painting, literature, sculpture, music, architecture and many more that I can't begin listing if I want to finish this entry soon.

thinking about this made me realize that in the future id like to work on architecture, I think its wonderful how this career blends so many topics of interest to me in such a great way, starting with artistic expression I love how architects can express their interests and personalities through their work, also I love how it teaches a lot of history and world cultures seeing the differences in the way things are designed and built around the world it can help me travel and learn from many different cultures and places, in addition I think that I can make a positive impact on the world by becoming an architect, I can help build more sustainable and ecologically friendly buildings and help improve the visual harmony and beauty of places.

And one of the things that excites me the most about all of this is the ability of being able to study abroad (If I work hard and get lucky) going a few years of my youth to another country to study this topic is one of my main goals at the moment, These days I have been a bit bummed since the entrance note for the architecture career in my country universities has risen a lot and it will be difficult to get in the career but I know that if I try my best and work hard I´ll be able to do it, anyways I think that is time to wrap up this entry since I don´t want to make it overly long, Thank you if you read all the way to the end, ill try to update the blog soon.

Have a great day, night, morning or whichever moment you are currently on:

Thank you for reading  ♡ 

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