Who'd be willing to join a IRC Chat Room?

I have been really into trying IRC and getting it working, and while there are a lot of IRC channels online they are either for pirating stuff, or are filled with 4-chan types.

If you don't know what IRC is, it's OG chat rooms, pretty much the OG discord. You join a server then join a specific chat room or "channel". It's all plaintext and I have seen people add some cool bots and such

I'd only be letting 18+ users in because of the way IRC works and how technical it is. I'm going to research how to set one up. I am pretty sure it's free and not that hard but first I want to see who'd actually be willing to set up IRC just to chat with me

There will also be a strict TOS and possible a automod bot in the chat, so play nice

2 Kudos


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