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Category: Life

Never thought I'd say this, but this has been getting on my nerves

weird title but you'll get what I mean.

Twitter isn't a reliable source of information in terms of getting a good grasp on queer people as a whole. I keep seeing so many like 14 year old baby gays try to denounce other queer people for the way they identify and talk about themselves, so just stop. You aren't an authority on others, so shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself.

Queer is not a slur, any gay can say faggot (not just gay men. I hear this one a lot in general and just. no. it was used against all of us.), m-spec lesbians/bisexual lesbians/lesboys (not all the same thing, but the same people are mad) are not the devil and are literally just other queer people who identify with the lesbian labels differently than you do and that doesn't make them bad, pet play isn't zoophilia ohmygod stop lumping those together. Puppy play has been a staple of the gay kink scene for literal decades. 

there is so much more to being queer than just being part of the baseline LGBT acronym. "Open-minded" my ass.

Sure, you can just not like certain things for one reason or another, but don't try to talk like you are any sort of authority.

I used to be like this. I used to get mad when people didn't use labels in what I perceived to be the "correct" way. I didn't like it when people talked about the less conventional parts of being queer. Hell, I thought gold star lesbians were perfect and that the term totally wasn't shitty (it is, btw.). 

I know what it's like to say you accept others and then try to force people into boxes. The thing is, I had to learn that people aren't like that. People are weird combinations of flesh and neurons, and you just cant say that everyone will fit perfectly into what you think they should be.

Honestly, I just want more young people to actually look into the history of this community. It can be easy to fall into a space online that tells you that things have to be one way or another with no in-between, but I hope people start looking a little closer to see than there are more areas of grey then they were told

sorry, I just felt the need to talk about this for a moment. I normally don't like being negative, but this was getting on my nerves.

11 Kudos


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kaymartz's profile picture

omg THANK YOU for saying this!! queer people have GOT to stop getting at each other's throats for this kind of stuff
and also i may be a history nerd myself hehehe
if anyone *does* want to learn about queer history, may i recommend « Rainbow History Class » by Hannah McElhinney ? the amount of stuff i learned from this book is unreal /pos

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Rot's profile picture

Nah like we've been fighting the "queer is a slur!! uwu" """discourse""" for a decade now, it's exhausting! like these kids [and sometimes adults] are so caught up on being morally righteous they forget how to express themselves and be kind to others.
and then on the opposite end it's just a lot of internalized bigotry and/or they're too scared to just go "ah yeah i hate fags" or something

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