I’d like to talk about ma boi Specter for no reason, he’s a leopard gecko if u didn’t read the thing on my profile. He’s s specifically a Mack snow albino leopard gecko, and he’s about 8 months old, and he’s a sweet lil baby :3
I got him on December 15, so it’s been quite a bit since I did got him. And the pet store didn’t know when he was born, so I’m just doing his b-day on Dec 15
I’m now going to talk about what you can do to take care of a l.g.,
(enclosure: first you can start out with a 20 gal tank. And if you want you can get a bigger or different type of inclosure but it’s better to start with the 20 gal.)
( hides: After that you get 3 hides, one for warm one to cool of if to hot, and a humid hide. For the humid hide you can get moss at the pet store and just spray it with water. You can also soak it, just make sure it’s not too wet because that could cause mold.)
(Dishes: Then you can get a food and water dish, you just also have to clean the water dish because it can get dirty. I prefer not to use a food dish because the food might escape. So I just hand feed or with my tongs.)
(Food: L.g.‘S also only eat bugs, so this consist of mealworms, horn worms, tiny or large crickets, and silk worms. There is also another thing you can feed them called wax worm but it’s not great for them it’s more of a snack, and if you do feed them to much wax worms they can get obesity. When you feed your l.g. You will need calcium, it’s a powder that’s good for them. But they can’t have to much because it will swell up them upper leg and that bad. Thankfully if it does happen you can just stop doing calcium until it’s fully gone.)
(Floor of enclosure: when you pick the floor out you don’t want any loose substrate, because l.g.’s lick to explore their surroundings so the can lick and eat the substrate and I would give them digestive issues, so what I like to use is reptile carpet, because it’s easy to replace and if it doesn’t fit you can cut it easily. Or what can be used similar to it is paper towel.)
(Decor: it’s good the make the enclosure look more natural, so if you want you can buy fake plants at the pet store or online. And you can use rocks as well, you can either buy rocks or get one from outside. But you must bleach it so it can get rid of harmful germs.)
(Heat lamp: You will need a heat lamp to warm the enclosure so it’s not to cold so what I did is get a heat bulb with and without light. Because it’s a good idea to simulate day and night so it doesn’t mess up their sleep. And what I also did is get a timer to set on and of the lights so I don’t forget to, I also keep both lights on at the same time. Also you need a spray bottle to make the enclosure humid. You will also need a thermometer to say how humid and hot it is.)
( after you get the l.g.: you will want to gently place it in the inclosure and start feeding it 2 SMALL mealworms a day ( depending on if it’s a baby if not a baby i do once every other day with 2 superworms) and it’s better if you don’t handle it for a week and let it get used to its soundings, my boi is petty calm when I hold him but it depends on how much you handle it and their personalities. It’s best to handle it for 15-20 minutes at a time. Btw if you ever see your l.g.’s nose bleed its only because the hit their nose to hard on something, so their technically fine.)
It might seem like a lot but they are really easy to take care of.
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Eevee :3
If anyone who read this and also has a leopard gecko I can give tips to beginner owners, Im not professional but I can give some advice if needed 👍
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allen (≧▽≦)
specter sounds rlly cool :D, the only experience i’ve had with pets were fishes but a leopard gecko or any gecko sounds really kewl!
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Thank you sm :3
by Eevee :3; ; Report