humans scare me.

hellooooooooo... I'm putting a TW, mentions of war and psychological torture from experiments (I genuinely had to take breaks writing this, hope you enjoy my new, profound fear of humans)

I am a human and I couldn't any less scared of them 

I don't know how to explain this uncertain fear that blossomed, I couldn't be less scared to be a human... 


Humans are defined as a culture-based primate or an individual of the species of primate mammal that walks on two feet. Really nothing special, physically not blessed with overpowering strength we don't even run that fast, but we are capable of thought, and wits that can expand into indefinite creations uncomprehending those that come next. It clearly started off as humble, hunting animals, living in caves and documenting life through paintings.

 But as soon as we began living comfortably our minds exploded in narcissus, and we began craving more than we actually needed while simultaneously creating religions, philosophy that further sealed the destructive nature of humans.  The greed naturally created for survival consumed us, so much so that we started destroying our own kind purely because we wanted more.  We even go so far as to funding space exploration because the earth we were blessed with was not enough for our two feet. 


It's undeniable that humans have done "inhuman" things, but for me it was the things we had done and accomplished that sealed the fear of humans.

 The creation of nuclear weapons capable of burdening the weight of thousands if not millions of human lives. An unforgettable example of bombing has to be the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On the 5th August  1935 the United States detonated two atomic bombs on Japan's cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The number of deaths is unable to be pinpointed exactly but the known deaths recorded was between 129,00 and 226,000 people who were mostly innocent civilians- who were not responsible for the state of Japan at the time. As we know it Japan surrendered to the allies on August 15th. 

Another underlooked example is The Stanford prison experiment, conducted in 1971 by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, aimed to study the psychological effects of perceived power by simulating a prison environment in which college students were randomly assigned roles of either guards or prisoners. Within days, participants immersed in their roles, with guards exhibiting increasingly abusive and authoritarian behaviours, while prisoners showed signs of extreme stress, anxiety, and helplessness. The situation escalated to such a degree that the experiment, originally planned for two weeks, was terminated after only six days. The findings highlighted the profound impact of situational factors and authority on behaviour, demonstrating how quickly and severely individuals could conform to roles that compromised their morals and humanity

I am aware of more examples but I am truly aware that these examples do not do justice to the true horror of humans- these are just moments in human civilization that I found disturbing. 

The surfer's reflection 

The human mind is far too complex for a fourteen year old to understand, I do what I can even if I go mad… I started thinking about it a while back but I just couldn’t understand what made humans vile and repulsive. I think now I understand (after asking google :p) the thing that causes me to fear humans is their determination to accomplish things that don’t even seem possible, the perseverance that humans are capable of achieving is unfathomable. Their relentlessness to get what they want- not even need - is wild to me. 

I hope I scared you like I scare myself :3

Stay safe pookies

11 Kudos


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D34d_p03t ^o^

D34d_p03t ^o^'s profile picture

Very well written!
And yes, i agree with everything you said.
We are these little beings in a whole, enormous universe, we really are not as important as we think we are.
Humans are such egocentric beings, we invented capitalism, n4zism, f4scism and other horrible ideologies, that either elevate the power of the avid rich, or just harm innocent people and their lives. And we love to brag about the scientific and technological progress, yet we neglet the only kind of progress that's really necessary; social progress, and justice for the oppressed.
Thx for writing this! :)

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Cyber Mokou

Cyber Mokou's profile picture

Reminds me of a video I saw on youtube

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by phroggly; ; Report