I found a kitten

I recently found a kitten. my little brother was skateboarding, when he called me and told me to walk around the block and help him catch it. it was extremely malnourished and dehydrated. his mother was probably dead, or neglecting him. i have been keeping him in a tiny bed on my bathroom floor. he quickly imprinted himself onto me following me around, and crying every time i leave. I'm not sure how old he is, but definitely over 2 weeks. The only problem is that he has a lot of fleas and tics. He is very cute and all of my family and friends love him. he looks much healthier today than yesterday. i am going to get rid of his tics, fleas, worms etc. soon. I was thinking of naming him a silly long name, maybe after a philosopher or doctor with a silly name. a big name for a small cat. Please comment name recommendations i would love 2 read all of them. I hope everypony has a fantastic day byeeee!!! -Toby

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If u want silly phylosopher names the silliest one i know is Xenophon lol

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theres also Agathosthenes, Alcibiades, Alexicrates, Anaxagoras and Aniceres

by insomniac; ; Report

yoo these are really good thank you sm

by 🩻Toby💉; ; Report