
I am 18 years old and i have never had a real job. When i was in highschool i focused on getting good grades so that i could get a good job and i passed all my subjects, i also took some good extracurriculars. i left school almost 2 years ago now and have been looking for a job ever since. in the meantime i have been filling my cv with experience from my volunteer work. my mum thinks that i am just lazy and im not applying but i apply for new jobs almost everyday. if the society is going to collaps id prefer it happen sooner rather than later so i dont have to deal with my crummy future :(

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memur's profile picture

unemployment sucks and the worst part is not having a linear path to move forward.

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GigiDarlingg's profile picture

Omigosh that's sad to hear. I'm 21 and I started working at age 19 cuz my parents didn't let me work sooner only for them to say THEY WANTED ME TO like whattttt????
It sucks that you can't find jobs easily, but if you're trying to find some, use the app Indeed and STAY AWAY FROM GAS STATION JOBS!!!! They take away most of your money and cut your hours for no reason. PLZ don't work there. My first jobs were in fast food restaurants, so u can try there. Chick Fil A n McDonald's I totes recommend, but not Domino's or Pizza Hut or jobs that mostly base on tips, since they pay u the most minimum of minimum wage
If u got any questions or such, maybe I can help. And sorry for such a long reply lolz I'm just talking from experience
Hope things get better for u! Both job-wise and family-wise
(ps. I also recommend getting a driver license, car, and a credit card so u build credit, but that's for the long run in case u want to be independent)

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thank you for your help but i have already applied for fast food jobs multiple times over the years and theyve never even asked for an interview. i dont really have any friends i can ask for help either because, i moved to the uk from zambia after highschool and when i started my a-levels i was quickly bullied out of it. ive sort of become a social recluse so its very hard for me to really do anything

by CandyTkk; ; Report

Ohh, now that's pretty messed up...
You'll get out of it soon for sure. You're young, you're starting life, and you're barely entering adulthood. Start small and don't try to rush things, be patient. You can take courses to learn stuff that can either get you hired easier or give you more money. Try to take walks or simply time for yourself, whatever can keep you from feeling down. I don't know how things work in the UK, since I'm from the US, but I for sure know that your education was a great one. Show people you really want to work, but don't be too desperate about it, or you'll be pushed around and it won't be fun. Don't mind others, and just enjoy your own vibes and time to the fullest. Even little things can lift you up for days <3

by GigiDarlingg; ; Report