tf2 got its annual (i think?) summer update and since last year's maps went straight into the standard map rotation i think these ones will too
anyway here's my thoughts on the new maps because im bored and i want to tell someone about them
ctf_applejack - new ctf map and its actually pretty good, its doublecross sized but half the map isnt tunnels or bridges you can get airblasted off of, it reminds me a lot of harvest since its so yellow and mid has a structure (you cant go in this one), i would like to rate it higher but there are some texture bugs and it causes my game to stutter for some reason so 6/10
pd_atom_smash - RAAAAHHHHHH I LOVE PLAYER DESTRUCTION RAHHHHH, i know after summer it'll get shoehorned into the alternative gamemodes tab with watergate and selbyen but i dont care i LOVE PLAYER DESTRUCTION, the map itself is pretty small i'd say and its pretty enclosed so there isnt much room for movement shenanigans and its very chokepoint-y but since its pd i don't think MAJOR teamfights occur very often and the small corridors really encourage little micro-engagements between like 4 people max 9/10
cp_burghausen - RAAAAHHHHHH I LOVE MEDIEVAL MODE, another officially endorsed medieval mode map so now its not just 24/7 degroot keep, its a multistage attack / defend map so think dustbowl but medieval, the stages themselves are pretty small but rockets litterally dont exist yet so its not a really big deal, the control points themselves are still dogpiles of bad melee hitreg but i think that's just inherently how medieval mode is player, would be cool to see another gamemode like payload or ctf on a medieval mode map but otherwise 8/10
koth_cachoeira - a neat little koth map it reminds me of mercenary park for some reason (maybe its the crocodile pit) with lots of water, its pretty open for explosive jumping, however it has some NASTY sniper sightlines and engineers are a real pain but nothing a little uber cant fix, i really like pyrosharking on this map since the water is literally all around the cap and its mostly enclosed so little 1v1 skirmishes happen there, two cool details i found were that both teams' spawns can see eachother so you can yell at the other team at the beginning of the game and the helicopter at mid can actually kill you if you jump into its blades, AND THE BLADES GET RED WHEN SOMEONE DIES WHAT??? 8/10
cp_canaveral_5cp - console adds that 5cp at the end so potentially a 3cp version coming soon?//??, the map does red side really well i think but blu side is little, off, for some reason to me, i think its the extreme use of white, i know the map is like a rocket launch center but blu is usually associated with like a dark steel grey and desaturated blues so its a little off, but its not that big of a deal to me, at the end of the round, the rocket at starts doing cool stuff so that's neat, overall probably 7/10
pl_embargo - FUCK THIS MAP I HATE IT SO MUCH, imagine the off-ness of blu side in canaveral and THAT'S THIS ENTIRE MAP, it feels like there's so much going on with all the EXTREMELY VIBRANT COLORS LITERALLY EVERYWHERE, its like if a lime green or pink scout got ahold of hammer and made a map, healthpacks are seemingly nowhere on this map, between the custom payload carts (yes there's multiple) and the custom team specific announcers it seems like this map is trying to do everything to stand out, which i mean it kinda does but for all the wrong reasons, custom announcers arent even that bad, bread space and even atom smash have custom announcers, but on top of everything else its just offputting. red's announcer gets a little slack because i think he's funny, but blu gets some wish-brand miss pauling and shes SO ANNOYING "try again harder next time" STFU I HOPE IN THIS WORLD THE CUBAN MISSLE CRISIS ESCALATES AND YOU GET BOMBED. furthermore, why are blu's resup lockers the medieval mode ones? all the little annoyances make me really dislike this map but its technically still functional so 3/10
cp_hadal - another attack / defend map like sulfur and steel and i really like those gameplay loops so shocker i like this one a bit, the map is pretty small so its kinda common for games to just end in 5 minutes but when you get a long lasting game oh lawdy its so good, its a little frustrating seeing all the confused ppl rn going "ermmm what the tuna why are there two control points open to cap" but i think that'll fade eventually and ppl will realize how to play. it does kinda suffer from visual noise and really saturated colors, but they're not team colored and not nearly as plentiful as on embargo so its much less of an issue here overall i think like 8/10
koth_megaton - an open koth map featuring polynesian styled buildings and lots of water. i think this map is pretty well designed for the most part, but i have a few annoyances, for one, everything is a sniper sightline outside of your spawn, there is very little cover and a good sniper can DOMINATE mid if you don't coordinate, engineer is powerful for the same reasons although not to the extent of sniper, the only buildings shielding you from mid also have walkable and buildable roofs so if you can't hold them off the enemy team can very easily spawncamp you, outside of that i think the map is really fun. the aforementioned walkable roofs are slanted so you can do some funky movement shenanigans with rocket jumping and shield trimping, this map continues the "stuff happens after you win" trend by featuring a giant nuclear (i think) bomb tower as its control point, winning the game drops the bomb and kills everyone in a pretty cool explosion so overall like 7/10
pl_odyssey - the payload map to make up for whatever embargo was, this one goes hard, its pretty vertical and the cart follows a path with such verticality so movement goes hard on this map, it suffers a bit from the extremely saturated white and green problem but once you get used to it i think its unique considering this is the only map that takes place in greece i think (sidenote why are the mercs in greece and cuba when did the gravel wars get blown into an international conflict) its reminds me of illios ruins (gee i wonder why) from ow1, the final point does the thing phoenix and hightower do where you have to "capture" the final point as if it were a control point except odyssey actually just turns the final point into a control point once the cart is on it, it also does the thing newer payload maps have been doing where you actually do something with the payload instead of just pushing it into the conspicuously bomb shaped hole older maps did which i think is neat overall 8/10
cp_overgrown - if you think youve seen this map you probably have since according to the tf2 wiki its ALMOST 9 YEARS OLD WHAT, i think ppl have been asking for this to be in the game since its creation, it was even used in some tf2 comp circle iirc, its got that choke-y old tf2 map design but its also surprisingly open when it wants to be, the train is pretty neat but the constant TING-TING-TING-TING can get annoying overall prob like 7/10
pretty banger lineup (minus one REALLY SMELLY STINKER) i really hope they keep these in rotation for all maps, unfortunate that they only really do niche gamemodes for halloween and smissmas but 2 alternative gamemods maps (that may potentially stay forever) are better than none so hip hip hooray
also reminder that this is MY OPINION it is not law you can disagree and i will hunt you down and beat you with hammers think everyone should try the maps and form their own opinions on them holy shit thats a lot of words

my thoughts on the new tf2 summer maps
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