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Category: Life

I'm tired of this

hi this is my second blog I'm going to vent a little I'm in the 8th year of school I don't have many friends just one friend she's so pretty everyone thinks she's pretty they always ask about her on Instagram and fame how pretty she is but they always ignore me or they make fun of me, they forget that I'm on their side, they always say that I ruined my friend's life, but she seems to like me a lot :(

I just wanted to be like her

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St3pIRL's profile picture

being like someone else doesnt going to make your life better, and trying to be with someone just for the sake of having a friend in your life even if this person doesnt treat you well its right out bad.

i know you are here to cope about your situation, but the only person who can solve this is you, you are the one who is around that people, start looking on other places, places that make you feel well or loved, not the ones that put you on the line of suffering like you are doing right now, you wont get anything aside from what i already feel.

so start doing a change in your life.

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Thank you very much, I'll try to do what's best for me

by kiwi; ; Report

you are welcome, just remember to be careful on how you aproach this problems, try slowly for one by one

by St3pIRL; ; Report