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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Celebrity Dreams

Has anyone else ever had any dreams about meeting celebrities? Because I have a few times, and each and ever single time, it involved a singer. Although I don't have dreams about meeting a celebrity too often, I still enjoy having these dreams whenever they do occur, even if I wake up disappointed that it was only a dream and not something that happened in real life.

The 1st dream of this sort occurred back in spring 2019 at the age of 12 1/2 years old. I was at this Frozen event for some reason, in a blue room with a black concert stage, and then I look around and see this blonde haired girl with a recognizable pink streak in it. Just as I thought, it was Avril Lavigne and we introduced ourselves to each other and chatted for a little while before she went on stage to perform at the concert.

I woke up and was pretty disappointed it was just a dream (though it was far from the most disappointing dream I've ever woken up from like one in particular I had a few days after I had just turned 16 years old).

The next one I had happened a few years later right after I had just turned 15 years old back in August 2021. I was at my elementary school for some reason, walking around the building only to discover a set of stairs that I had never noticed before, leading me up to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th stories of the building (the building only has 2 stories in real life). By the time I reached the 5th floor of the building, I saw a dude with long hair that looked super familiar to me. It was Ronnie Radke from Escape The Fate and Falling In Reverse. Once again, we introduced ourselves to each other and talked for a few minutes, and then I left the building and saw some weird looking green vehicles on the road that looked like flying saucers with spikes on the sides of them driving down the street with parents looking to pick their children up from school. I was trying to walk home, but the vehicles wouldn't let me through and were hogging up the streets.

That dream then transitioned into a dream where my family and I were eating at some fancy looking restaurant.

The 3rd and final celebrity dream happened just a few weeks ago, at my current age of 17 1/2 years old. It started off with my family and I staying at a hotel for some reason. I walked around the hotel, saw some things in this other person's hotel room that I would go into and steal from when they were gone, and then ended up walking around the hotel's convenience store before deciding to head outside after waiting in a boring checkout line with my family.

When I walked outside of the hotel, I stepped out onto a random field of grass surrounded by a few other buildings, noticing a crowd of other teenagers, a concert stage, and some music playing in the distance. As I was walking up closer to the stage, the song being played started sounding familiar to me. I then noticed a yellow soundwave coming out of one the speakers just as I heard the line "no limits and no regrets, it's time to sell my soul" from the song "Fever" was being sung (my synesthesia seems to have followed me into a dream here as my brain perceives that song as yellow in real life). 

When I looked up at the stage, I realized I was at a Bullet For My Valentine concert (which for some reason was being held at the high school I recently graduated from in real life), which instantly put a smile on my face. Matt and I talked and he told me that I was literally the only one who seemed to be enjoying the concert as all of the other adolescents there either weren't listening to the music or downright hated it. I then told him about how much I love the band's first 3 albums.  :)

I then let him go back to playing with the band and then I woke up shortly afterwards.

Have any of you guys who may be reading this had any interesting dreams involving celebrities before?

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werto's profile picture

the closest thing to a celebrity in my dreams was bumba from that kids show. i remember waking up on the set in third person and i saw bumba standing right besides me while i layed there and fell through the floor. i woke up on the floor after that. easily in my top 3 weirdest dreams

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