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Category: Automotive

New Car

I had to replace my old 2006 Chevy Impala on Monday...she finally gave out on me, wouldn't crank. She had a lot of issues, but what finally killed her was the oil leak! Oil got into the holes for the sparkplugs, and well...that kind of stopped them from giving the car the" spark" it needed to start. Got it towed, rode with the tower, and then it was off to the car dealership.

I went to a local one where some family worked and settled on a 2014 Dodge Charger! Only $10k and there's a small dent that bumped it down to $9k. Car payment isss going to suck because I had nonexistent credit but it's been such a good car so far and I'm so excited to do my favorite thing...customize it. So many stickers...

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not_ian's profile picture

what a good taste for cars dude.

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Thanks :-D! I saw the Charger for that price and I was immediately drawn to it. It's an awesome car

by robbie; ; Report

Yeah. I mean, its design itself is entirely well-made, def pays the ownership costs lol.

by not_ian; ; Report