Hideo Hayashi's profile picture

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Category: Music

My songs...

So, I'm Hayashi. I really like peace between people and I'm always trying to communicate in a good way. I'm very good-natured, impartial and like to keep a positive energy in everything I do. I have a lot of hobbies: I love cooking different things, playing the ukulele and doing exercises at home. I also love creating new things and getting involved in projects, even if they're a bit random. I believe in the process and I'm very happy with it.

I've only made two songs so far. I don't think I should publish them yet, and that's fine. It's just that I'm very insecure that most people won't like it and will take their day-to-day anger out on me. Maybe I think too much, but I know that one day I'll release some of these songs.

For now, I'm enjoying my passions and developing my skills. Maybe, in time, I'll gain more confidence and be ready to share my songs with the world. I think the important thing is to go at our own pace and wait for the right time. At the end of the day, it's all about being happy and staying positive, regardless of what others think.

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