A new ongoing series of
albums from The Lifeguard titled after the letters of the alphabet has started. I'm gonna assume that new parts are gonna be released over time, so stay tuned y'all.
Alphabet - ALPHA by The Lifeguard
Now, about FREA$HCAMP... After meet the posses, the war against Teat Thew is officially over. I know I said that like 3 times before, but this time I am 100% sure unless something too crazy happens again. Currently, the FREA$HCAMP is used as a digital audio wasteland. A place where anyone can throw out the most low effort trash they want. It's not even targeted against Teat Thew, it's literally just for no reason at all. A worse version of VaultKid, if you will.
We made every privated release public again, and ASDF & Inaba are releasing more garbage out there. I'm not going to link them one by one, but check out the new DJGOFUCKYOURSELF mix there.
Now for the news.
websdite and abc
literally that's it
Alright to be fair though, let me go more in detail.
Inaba got the software I use to update my website, Microsoft Frontpage 2003 and I don't know if she's upto actually taking care of it. If there's two people I could trust with running the label, it would be Alice and Inaba. Though for now, I'll continue "working" on it. (Not working at all lmfao)
And yeah, as I said before The Alphabet series are going to keep on going. Yeah that's it.
Everything else is the same, new releases MIGHT come from ASDF, me, and Alice, but for now no one knows exactly what it's going to be and when it's going to be. Yep. See y'all in the next release.
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