Am I the only one getting strong summer 2016 vibes? Maybe bcs I can hear the birds chirping again and the sky is less dim but either way
Every summer I decorate my room and add more this summer I added the Minecraft wall I talked about adding on my old account (I was getting stalked so I had to delete it) I hung a pickaxe and a sword a painting that reminds me of minecraft the previous houseowners left in this room's closet and a giant minecraft poster i put a minecraft collage of all my minecraft memories on the top is the lyrics to the Minecraft parody I wrote when I was 12
I also decked out my setup, i didnt want the modern setups that feel like a spaceship I wanted one that felt like home and the 2000s/2010s oldschool web so here it is
Here is the setup up close I printed out videogame manuals and guides and maps and stuck them up I have a Wii a PS2 and a DVD player from 2003 with surround sound I sat up I have an Xbox 1 in a drawer and put a temu hook behind my TV so I can hang my keychains and my laptop is the black thing covered in stickers I also hung up my headphones my TV is from 2007 the previous owners of my house left it here
Here you can see my Wii Balance Board in a green carrying case and my flag
im also quite proud of my plushie collection i have plushies from a lot of decades
Heres another image my favorites are Pikachu, Splatoon inkling plush from 2015, KKslider and Meowth from Build a Bear, Tom Nook, Red from Angry Birds (I got him back in 2012) Freddy Fazbear Mimikyu and the TNT block
I made a 90s corner in my room I framed a glow in the dark Bart Simpsons shirt I hung up some of my things from the 90s and my 90s pokemon card I even hung up a VHS tape and a PS1 controller and some 90s videogame and TV printouts and stickers of 90s cars
I added more images to my wall collage of pictures I like and I hung a pokemon poster on the side of my shelf
On my windowsill I put a bunch of seashells I collected from all my travels to beachey places I have shells from Qatar Tunisia Zanzibar and the Maldives
I added more stuff to my shelves, this is just the Pokemon Shelf the glasses were from when I used to make Pokemon videos wearing those when i look at the pokemon shelf I see a big card of my old main pokemon and my old glasses and feel like a retired PKMN trainer
Here is my ceiling I covered it in posters and printouts and surrounded it with glow in the dark stars around it is a Roman ceiling to remind me of my ancestry
Here is the rest of my shelf theres a beanbag at the bottom I have a full Wimpy Kid collection including all the spinoff books and I added a lot more figurines
I fixed my Wii last summer and this summer I modded it here it is running Homebrew and WiiLink but before all that, I beat Mario Kart Wii earlier this summer :)
Here are the modded Wii Pics I look forward to modding my PS2 this winter :)
I can now use the online channels I never got to use and some that never came to American systems like Wii Room
Wii Weather Channel works again 8) [Smiling sunglasses face]
I added more to my perfume collection not all of it is perfume now lol
just some extra photos: the view outside my window is always majestic
One of my curtains are falling on the left so I wanna fix that so I can hang my hat collection above the window once theyre fixedÂ
I also removed the carpet I had in my room, feels spacious now
I put the Alola starters on my door so that way when I wake up its the first thing i see and feel like i woke up in the Pokemon world (a dream of mine since 3 lol)
either way thats what I did with my room this summer thanks for reading until the end :)
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some of the hotels nearby have firework displays at night so I can watch them through my window
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