06/24 ❥ Are you busy now?

更新日:2014/06/30(Mon) 21:56

Baby baby どこで何をしてるの?

つながれ Phone call

あなたのポケットで震える My love

Are you busy now?

hello~ (*^^*)~~
greetings from 2014

this month was full of work (,_,*) and business....

so cheering myself up with this cute blog (^w^)ほほ

summer has officially began and im swamped (´д`)ょろ......

currently a intern and research assistant which could be a plus++ since both are remote but......since im the only undergrad, i have grunt work on top of my actual project to-dos = i'm on my laptop every hour during weekdays (-m-)

i need 30 tabs open @ all times to reference stuff and my 2019 pro was not having it so i unwillinglybought the m2 air and used the free apple music trial and ('0ノ'*)!! holy......audio quality is awesome & the expanded selection of old kr/jpn releases → this is my summer save!!!!

however i am afraid i can't live without my spotify including 152 playlists since my preteen years...... But i left with a regained appreciation for KARA「Fantastic Girls」♪~**゚

(in top 3 jalbums from kidols me thinks.....^^)



after i took this pic i realized my other garakei was looking a bit bland so i attempted to reclaim my deco status this month (´ω`●)ゞテレ but after peeling stickers 100x times i gave up and considered blinging instead after seeing imgs like these for a while on pinterest:


& i also wanted to incorporate a mix of decoden with other charms or pearls however my cart ended up being $47 so, bling only^^

once i got my supplies ready....woah this is such a small surface  but after 4 hrs of strategic placements and gems everywhere... 

\ 𝓜 & ヒョウ




my two cents on riize comeback:

the subtle true 00s punk styling.. .  . . ....i'm there (゚ー)(。_)

especially eunseok-さん

i was looking forward to a stage with some intense guyliner but its OK
i need it soon though....

\ 好きです/




been spending most of my free time online clothes shopping in trying to  my style (haha) for new muung-IRL-identity for fall semester abroad

i think i have (slighty)aged out of my punk&anythingcoolblackunisex casual style and liking more gothic clothing with fem inclinations → is this what it means to be (one month away from)21 and enter womanhood?

from:                            to:                           

       .            *

*but more casualer(?) and 40% less girly 
**take with a grain of salt as i like too many styles

been using thredup to support this because its the most financially responsible option LOL (^^;; they have constant sales and their beta image search engine is so helpful in that i can upload an inspo pic and it generates listings & search terms, from there i'm able to play around and rearrange terms for more detailed listings &&→ later move to ebay for specifics

for example these 3 items were $46 total (-_^!)

my referral link for credit.......


(late) per shu request, my current bag collection 

when im in uni i only keep my most used to save space^^

#shoutout to the 2fleur bag (far right) because i use it a little too much ....

テレテww(ノ∇*) it works so well with everything~~!

even though its summer we still live a 黒 life~~~




I Need to Be Here........ i seriously have been DMing ryutaro asking if they are continuing after their spring tour and we are so back

i knew going into ticketing would be difficult on e+ but i was hoping i would be able to bypass with a line prepaid card until i read the plastic tree website closely and realized i need a jpn # to enter fanclub → apply for first round → 4 more fanclub sale periods → general sale opens less 2 wks before the firstdate

(*x’ー’) you have got to be kidding me 

 Whatever i guess....... ( -_-) there are other vkei bands that igaf less and just plan on buying tickets at konbinis But i was sooo looking forward to going because they are the only real band that i consistently listen♪♪ to their albums from start to beginning(compared to a couple of tracks) and would be the first and only time i can officially use my towel slogan 

 ( ;∀;) カナシイナー

also double whammy with failed riizing encore ticketing;; presale started at 4am so i stayed up diligently catching up on research and for some reason i was feeling good that i would be able to get tickets and.......queue number is 49827 for a total of ~30k seats. i sucked up and tried to go about my week after but was truthfully like wtF~~~!!~! i need to be there sao bad

but thank god because [realtime] i got a weverse notification for ticketing for an extra date!!!




some 6月 gets! !



ありがとう 悠太(ebay)-さん(*・)\(<)muung

i have a pretty extensive collection of gloomy bear plush keychains but never use them outside/keep them back at home (not uni) cause plush aftercare scares me after i destroyed one's fur by using the wrong soap.....but excited to add this to my collection because i don't have a lot of all-purpose bunny items 

 me i thinks this & possible bape pink camo or reflective head keychain (still haven't purchased yet because trying to decrease impulse purchases) will be my main keychain base this fall/winter (´w `*))

when its summer i like to keep my bags/items raw without any keychains for some reason? i feel like winter or spring is the best time to use a variety while other seasons either call for none or just 1 if this make sense?.........(⊃ε ・* 

was Loosely looking at hello kitty listings and no f-ing way 

i found ANOTHER hk mp3 player (゜о゜*)! !

the seller said they never opened it/know if it works but in my mind I was like this is literally my calling also the listing was only $23.....

crossing my fingers this mp3 won't give me any problems (・w・pls)


got the famous camcorder from ktwt 

i really like the video quality compared to other camcorders  but gets a little too pixel-y when there is too much motion......yolo

i did some test shots but they will not save to my sd card no matter what i do ? ? i tried buying new sd cards but still nothing urgh this means i have to search for compatible usb cable now (-ε-;)最悪

meanwhile, pretend this is my test:

.......which is fairly accurate ^^笑 because i officially booked my winter trip


         ゚*  ・⋆ : .。

                           v(゚∇^*)>o⌒merry X'mas in 東京☆;;"


liz lisa score......

i dont know what prescription these are but if look dead straight for 5 secs they fit mine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

although the arms are quite 2shiny 4me so only for wearing pics only ~^^

on a similar-ish note ?

i have officially gave up looking for this btssb tote its been 2 yrs already


i don't gravitate towards straight up canvas-tote-type-material cause i need a little shape and structure but this design just completely disregards my true tote feelings  (゚*)エヘヘヘ    


i also need this btssb cardigan real bad bruh

                   &  ^^ 

........(´  -_ -')*

my next major item on my wishlist was a super moe 1:9 figure as a prop for cafe pics LOL but is quite difficult finding one that i like without weird innuendos  *sigh

but otherwise on the topic of cafes i have been saving a lot of places on maps to visit and its looking like a parfait-a-day right now :3 but me just finding out tearoom yume is closed ㅆㅂ i have been wanting to go 4ever........</3


考え(●´∀`●) been thinking about my online identities recently as i'm hitting 10yr mark running accounts......!

knowing that a good portion of my formative years resides online alarms me but also brings me comfort.... ^_^❤︎

makes me think how long i will keep this up as i'm turning 21 very soon which is "real" adult to me and post-grad life looking pretty drab Hrm....... idk just thinking back to when i was 12 and everyone and their mom was 17+, and now im here treated like im my last breath ( ̄ヘ ̄)


ending it abruptly here this 6!

so late i know..... but i decided to push a blog out cause july/aug actually is becoming more drab than expected

i have been spending a lot of time on 00s ameba posts hence new change in blog format (*/ω\)

however losing idgaf wars with this (initially)HotPinkGalSpecial but i realized this entry style is much simpler & ideal when im abroad bcz i dont want to spend too much of my time formatting (as i want to allocate time to doing videos ^^)

( `ー´) my only Real gripe with this width is that i can't write as excessively or it looks crowded as hell.... yolo

IDK! !! my user/personal design is more gloomy or lesser? colors than anything so i'll figure something out later for future entriesー(´;ω;`);;


( ̄ω ̄)_have a splendid summer if the sun is your thing

muung ~^^

15 Kudos


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_freaxx_'s profile picture

this blog is so cute (☆▽☆)

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thank you! ^^*

by muung; ; Report


k★ma's profile picture

so l8 to the party gomen muungSan...loved how ur bling flip phone turned out ugh also super digging this layout. Very muung fitting (black &Hot p︎nk....) thinking of doing the same changing up blog layouts per season lolol

wait plastic tree (OMG) i'm actually so upset 4uㅠ feeling excited for ur abroad trip & future pics/vids (´ ω `♡)yatta...i rmbr being 12 on the internet too and running stan accs like the navy (*-< ),,we R getting old

wishing u best of luck on ur trip abroad~(&all the events u'd like to go to)

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still continuing to fit muung-persona with blog formating Yeah but now at our old age we run blogs like the navy (>‿`)! & trust in that i will serve ktwt realness abroad…

by muung; ; Report