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Category: SpaceHey

Who here actually lived in the real MySpace days

I swear to god this shit is like making me to start to realize that wow okay... I am not pissed that kids come to this site but it just sometimes doesn't feel like what I am trying to recapture like okay if you don't remember when most of these songs in this link when they first came out and just discovered them then please leave because you are too young and honestly shouldn't be here, I swear to fucking god they should make up the age limit on this site to at least 16 or 18 even though people that age don't remember most of the 2000s at all


Also why didn't my generation try to pretend to be a part of time they weren't

2 Kudos


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PolarisPolanski's profile picture

I would use social media very discreetly when I was 6-12 years ago so I'm a jack of all trade, master of none type deal. Let me tell you...Watching all the kids on here jump in and immediately behave "cringe" is both annoying and inspiring at the same time.

Annoying for obvious reasons of speaking on things they weren't there to personally witness, using the crazy ass internet slang that wasn't really as used as they think it was, and generally just...being children. But that's just basic stuff that we should expect from minors honestly.

This site and tumblr are the only places that allow you to completely customize your space and blurb about stupid things no one cares about. Everyone is interested in some sort of "vintage" like twitter bros and the Ancient Western civilization.

Chances are these kids will either grow older and cringe at how insane they were acting or generally not care.

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To be fair I wasn't around on Social Media when I was 6, But I follow what your saying it reminds me of times I posted stuff on social media as a kid and some stuff I cringe back at

by Lexi; ; Report


xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx's profile picture

I had my first PC at 6 because my parents both built pcs as a hobby and I was their druid in their baldurs gate game w their friends lulz. But my dad got me on 4chan when I was like 10 i wasnt rly on MySpace just cuz my parents were more into 4chan YouTube and the baldurs gate forums lol. My dad made mods for BG back then.
I spent alot of time on the old cwcki as a child too, def should not have been on that lulz
I also had a deviant art my dad helped me set up bc he also had one and he posted his art. They're both gone now xp sadge but his music is still up on youtube lulz

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your dad sounds cool as fuck. wish i had an openly geeky dad like yours

my dad was into all things sci-fi but being a black male living in the hood during late 90s/early 2000s, it didn't match his "black guy" thing and he kept all that stuff to himself.

i had to do all the internet stuff on my own. everyone thought i was so weird

by PolarisPolanski; ; Report

yea my dad just wasn't very social so it didnt bother him
Plus my mom was just as nerdy lulz
I grew up in the south bronx so my family 100% stuck out like crazy when we lived there. But they had a super nerdy friend group they'd play dnd with and bring me lulz
Sometimes i would play table top with em too I had a wizard named watermist firerock as a kid LUL

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report