HELLOOOOO CARNIE NATION!!! How are we doing this fine july? Y’all go out? Thinking ab the future? Either way I feel like goin to yap city today so let’s kick it! QUEUE THE LIGHTS!!!!
So far this summer, i’ve been trying to execute my goal of going to 5 different pools this summer and so far i’ve went to 2!! It’s not much but it beats a long bus ride LMFAAAAOOOO
(Also yes I took the left one on a flip phone IDGAF HA)
The first one I went to was the one at my friends apartment! She had this pent house at the top floor and it was SO NICE OMG it was 3 feet of water so I didn’t have too much trouble swimming and I was lucky to be kicking it with my besties ^_^ but my mom was pissed cuz I was out late LOL but hey we live and we learn and i’m safe so -w-
The second one is a pool thats down the street from my place! It’s not too nice or anything but it’s cheap, local, and a good quick way to cool off I saw so many ppl I knew and overall it was rlly fun!! I just hope I get to see them again soon honestlyyyyy I don’t want this summer to end period DONT MAKE ME GO BACK TO SCHOOL ION WANNA BE A JUNIOR NOOOOOOOO !!!! Buuuut anyways <3
Recently I have been in LOOOOOVE with body mods!!! Specifically piercings and tattoos! last night I was going through soul sister magazine and I saw the tattoos the gals had and fell in LOVE like omg,,,,,,
They r so PRETTYYYYY especially the back tattoo it’s absurd. Like I would love to have a shoulder tattoo or maybe a back tattoo… Orrr maybe one on my upper chest AAAAA so many decisions!!! Buuut i’m still in high school so I won’t rush nothing -3- but another thing i’ve been thinking of is piercings! I’ve been wanting piercings so BAAAD recently and i’ve been thinking ab getting pierced for my birthday next year! Rn my goal is My ears, a septum and a labret! I do want a belly button piercing but I think I can wait until i’m 18… but UGH THEY R SO CUUUUTE
Like Id love to have a piercing set like this!! Def in the future
(also we gehako in this household)
I feel like if my family was a little more laid back I feel like I would feel a little less isolated in this household LMFAO. Ahh a girl can dream -.- I can’t wait HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
aaaand with that said that is all for the yapfest!! I had to retype like half of this due to me accidentally refreshing the page (embarrassing i know ) but I feel like I like this one better! What are y’alls thoughts tho? What are you guys doing this summer? Any body mods you guys want? Lmk!!! Until next time \(☆v☆)/
-Ender out
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