I'm so tired :/

I've been thinking about politics more than ever lately, and I feel completely gutted out. It's like every thing I've ever dreamed of is being thrown in the trash and I'm scared that the world might come to the point where I may die simply for existing. All I've ever wanted was a partner I can be happy with, comfortable living, and the option to not worry about the world ending. I just don't understand why people don't want us here, I don't understand why they hate gay people so much, I don't understand how someone could have so much hate in their heart. It's so unfair. For every queer/POC person killed it breaks my heart so much because it reminds me that they deserved so much, and they had the exact same hopes and dreams as me, only for that to be taken away because someone decided to make stupid decisions. I hope one day I'll live happily in the right body I always wanted and with the person Ive always wanted, and I hope that love will spread effortlessly across the world . I hope humanity as a whole will be able to work together and save the planet, but I'm only almost 16 and I'm so so terrified.

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