carmilla's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

can we stop fucking talking about s/h here

before you get angry and sperge please read the whole damn blog im not gonna respond to """coping mechanism""" dickriders

spacehey is not your therapist

spacehey is not your healthy coping mechanism

spacehey does not care that you hurt yourself.

i mean this as politely as possible.

many people are triggered by topics of self harm or simply do not want to hear about it.

posting about hurting yourself in my experience influences others to do the same and may actually get you in trouble for promoting the topic of self harm. this extends to legal trouble too

posting about your self harm to the internet is a pipeline to becoming unhealthily addicted to the internet [if one is not already addicted] and becoming too willing to reveal personal details that will get you in trouble or bring harm to you, whether psychological or physical.

the internet is not your friend.

self harm is not a healthy coping mechanism and is detramental to your health. posting about it on the internet encourages the habit and will make you feel worse in the end.

if you have self harm problems please seek help or develop healthy coping mechanisms or alternatives, such as snapping a hair tie or rubber band on your wrist, screaming into a pillow, drawing or writing about your thoughts of self harm, etc

it does get better. do not dig yourself a hole because you need someone to talk to or you don't know how to stop. resist the urge to hurt yourself because it only makes you feel weaker in the end.

26 Kudos


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Hamnnaton's profile picture

myspace fellas would probably tell em to cut deeper lul

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spacehey fellas do that as well, this really is a duplicate

by _freaxx_; ; Report


havocsTeacher's profile picture

time is truly a flat circle.. do people never learn that they shouldn't do stuff like this

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Sam_uel666's profile picture


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xXNymph.Not.PsychXx's profile picture

No I feel that, like yes it's good to vent sometimes but please find ppl to vent to, not the public blogs and forums. I've come across a lot of triggering posts and I've been trying my damnedest to stay clean. I usually come across em when I'm doom scrolling and that never ends well. Like yeah, venting is great it's a lot healthier than cutting or whatever but dog, a public forum is just asking for trouble, for you and others.

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Duckie (✪ヮ✪)

Duckie (✪ヮ✪)'s profile picture

nah but I literally saw a pfp that was a picture of s/h. O~O

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