Hello to anyone who is taking the time to read this, but I am asking you for your help on a little project I am working on. I have this picture of the moon attached below. Before you go into the comments, yes, I know it's very fuzzy and not the greatest quality. That is what I had intended.
I am struggling to decide what I want this to be, I was thinking of an album cover, more specifically, a mockup of an album over. I need help finding a direction I should go when creating the design. Should I add stuff to the image? Maybe just have large text? I am unsure.
I will be attaching some previous works that I had made for reference of what I had done before.
Here is an example of a previous work I had completed. Not the best, I don't think, but I am relatively proud of it.
I need suggestions
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honestly, the design will depend entirely with the style you want. you can go with wayy different directions; for example, in a weirdcore format, if you put a seraphim and some text, the design would be over.
still, i would just say for you to look at some references of the style you are showing, and just adding things on photoshop [you can pretty much add different texts in different fonts, shapes, objects and so on. just play with it].
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Let me attach some previous work I have done.
But I was thinking perhaps doing something gothic or even black metal? I think that would be pretty cool.
by Angry Opossum; ; Report
yup, would fit really well. i have some ideas that may help you with the thinking process.
first, what are your thougths about changing the main color to blue? i mean color correction. theres lots of albums with this thematic (srry grammar).
second, what about adding a forest using photoshop? you could go with wayyy different ones, personally, i think aokigahara would fit the ambience, but its just my opinion.
as for the fonts, you decide. you do have a good design, after all.
by ian_[v]; ; Report
I love the moon :)
I have a pretty picture of the moon that I took that I can share with you if you would like to have it. I don't know if you could use my picture as an album cover, but you know, maybe we can think of something creative to do
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