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Category: Life

Mixed Reviews - EP #2

Hey Cookies!  

 A lot of time has passed! like months (more like years) but I am back!! 

First of all, the big question, where the hell have I been? Okay so, quite simple answer, school. It has completely drained the life out of me (ノ_<。) but that is completely fine! because at the end of the day my hard work paid off and I am now officially graduated!!  <( ̄︶ ̄)>

where can i upload images

Super happy to have that thin piece of paper in my hands lmao, I can finally move on to another big part of my life. University! Although, I am taking a year off and applying this year, I think it's the best decision I've ever made! I've traveled to a lot of places in my country, with the best beaches and weather, and I am so incredibly in love with the beauty of the world. I will be putting some pictures up of the views!

In this Episode I'll be talking about me, give my usual game recommendations and ask you guys the question of this entry.  

Okay! Let's start with me, how have I been feeling? Honestly, not going to lie, I'm stronger and better than ever! I've had my rough patches since the last entry. The first one was quite a rollercoaster, I thought I was finally ready for a relationship after three years of talking to the same person, and I opened up, which bit me in the ass when they cheated on me lol. (My goofy ass really thought 🤣)  It sucked, a lot. I was already scared of opening up to someone, and the way it took me three years to completely trust that person is wild lmao, so when they betrayed me in that way it really hurt. I had to find out through my friends fake account because they had blocked me off of their second (¬_¬) (Which fyi, if your partner blocks you from their second when you haven't fought or anything, it's super weird.) 


Maybe you're wondering if I did something to deserve it? or if it was my fault for taking so long to open up? if you are thinking that, respectfully, I couldn't care less 🥰 In all honesty, I gave that person my all and had my eyes on them only since the minute I met them. I don't remember ever doing something hurtful to them, and we had zero issues when we did finally get together. It was quite like a movie hahah and I'll always remember it like that. It just took me by surprise when I saw that picture of him kissing this really skinny white girl with piercings, tattoos and badly dyed red hair on the neck. When I saw it it made sense to me why he had stopped talking to me so much, why he was suddenly busy always, why he would take hours to respond. No hate towards the girl! to this day I have zero idea if she even knew about me, but I say it in the sense that we look completely different! So when I think back it just makes my brows furrowing confusion. I'll love him forever, but he's now buried and dead to me. 

I already wrote two paragraphs about it n(⌒_⌒;)yI mean, hey, at least you guys are getting some good tea, maybe it would've been better if I knew the person he cheated with, but hey, we can't have it all. My other fallbacks were more deep than this honestly, but that one is the juiciest I guess. It had to do with me deciding on my gap year, (which wasn't really my choice) and some family issues.   


Back to the positive stuff though! When I said in the beginning that I'm much stronger and better, I mean it! My views on life haven't changed at all. I learned from my mistakes and from other's mistake, I gave and lost, but other times I've gained. I think something that is so underrated is journaling! just writing your feelings out helps you process them so much more. In my opinion, life is really hard, but only if you make it so. Which I know sounds corny asf, but hear me out, if you just go with the wind and let yourself be pulled in the right direction you'll have it good. Months ago I was so mad at the world, just pure rage, mad at the universe for treating me like this, but then I thought, does it really matter? Maybe this is just for now, it won't be the same in a few days, or even hours! So I just went along with it, I learned how to deal with it, and I leaned on myself for support. I wish I could say friends, but not really, It's been me and my journal! and now hey space xd. Doesn't mean I don't have friends, I do, but I just don't like sharing or airing out my issues, I'm more of a listener. It is totally okay to lean on to your friends for support! and please do, it's good to have an outside ear listening to your problems, sometimes you don't need a solution.

Moving on, I had my graduation trip with my class! Loved it and had a great time, I can't really discuss what I did lmao, cause I'm pretty sure it's not allowed, but it wen't really well. Plus I got some bomb pictures of myself! Here is one


The quality SUCKS but it's okay, you can still see it, a little ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ 

Game Rec time! This time I want to talk about horror games! so of course, big TW for horror aspects. Some of these games are PAID games!

  • Faith The Unholy Trinity  14.99 USD (Amazing story line and retro vibes! 100 on creativity)
  • Puppet Combo Series (All in a bundle for about 19 USD I think! super retro and scary) 
  • Fears to Fathom Series (Most are paid, but all under 7 USD. Actual real life stories portrayed in a video game!)
  • Perfect Love (Free! Okay so I do have something to say about this game, I consider this more of a really deep psychological horror, but in a yandere way! I have played a lot of games with Yanderes, but I think this one is the best for sure, I was left without words. The storyline is amazing and the twist is even more perfect.)

Check these out and give support to the creators! 

Omg, it's ending already (╥﹏╥)

Thank you for reading if you have come to this point already! I hope this entry was maybe able to help you in your own way and maybe give you some insight. I appreciate any person who reads this really. My messages are open for anyone who needs it or just wants to be friends! 

The question of this entry is: 

When was the last time you felt truly understood by somebody? Who was it? And what did they understand?

Bye friends,  I hope you have a wonderful morning/day/night <3!


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