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Category: Games

Splatoon 1: Dead forever.

So, as some people might already know, since April this year my favourite game franchise has gotten a big nerf. The first Game of the current Trilogy isnt supported anymore, leaving hardcore fans like me missing this for the rest of our life's. It is still playable with Pretendo tho. But if you, like me, have no clue about getting a new Network and setting it up on a decade old console, then you know: Rest in Peace to this master piece of a game. It has been THE game of my Childhood and i dreamed alot about it when i sleeped at night. And due to my CHildhead's Fantasy, these dreams were like movies with lore and shit. So i created my own type of Fan Canon thing (OC)/(Fanfiction). I have many memories attached to this game.😥 I was deep into the comunity. Truly a "Thanks for the game" here. But now where they discontinued the support i kind of hate nintendo a little bit. i mean we can never get another copy of this game or play it if we have one. this is stealing. not giving us a chance to get the games we like. This truly is sad and i will miss this Dream of a game. Hope the 4th Game is gonna be good. It better be 😓Splatoon at a Summer Night in 2017

This kind of post might come a little bit late but just recently discovered SpaceHey and i would have posted this already in april if i could. Splatoon is probably the most underrated Game ever and to see it literally d*e (in some way) feels just like... watching someone you like actually d*e. I seem like a Nerd who has no life and takes games to seriously, but despite this being true, i also just mean to say that stuff like this IS actually kind of what i describe it to be. Just look around in the comunity. Then you might figure out that more people have this feeling towards this game, or other games too. Because games like this are not just games, they are a Piece of art, and not just that, Splatoon is a Masterpiece of emotional art. Its original, new and has so much baout it. Ever since i first saw a Trailer of the game back in 2016, i loved it. i did not even know what it was. But i remember first seeing these weird Humans painting the Skyscrapers in This Ad, instantly falling inlove with everything i saw. I felt like home seeing this. I never knew what it is before buit still had THAT much of a "wanting to live in a world like this" feeling inside of me. I begged my Father to get me the Game. So i became a Gamer in the first place. Splatoon was my first real Game. Before that i had played small games on the family computer here and there or on my moms Ipad. Maybe Super Mario Bros. X can be also counted as my first game. idk. i played it a lot too. Best Fangame i ever played. Still working with it, and guess what: I am working on a Splatoon 2D Project. A AVP for SMB.X named "Splatoon - The Golden Eye Arc" containing over 80 Levels. But because i had school, i did not work on the project any further- now i have my Summer Vacation tho so i will probably continue soon. An AVP is Short for "Adventure Pack" and works simmilar to Minecraft Adventure Pack. It os basically a Pack of custom Levels, and overworld, Custom Graphics and Music put together to form a kind of Storymode that you can add to the Base-Game: Super Mario Bros X. Most of the Work (Level Design) is done in the Editor that comes with the Game. But also alot of the Work is just Mp3 Ripping, editing Textures and testing if everything works. Sometimes also dealing with bugs and limitations. Nothing i can do if the programm currupts, like once. then i had to download the entire Software again. I already released a AVP for people to play. The download contains the full Game itself because it isnt downloadable anymore. It is guaranteed to make alot of fun. I hope people play it and give me feedback, because it also already was alot of work. The name of that storymode is "Splatoon 2D - Lucid World" and has 30 about levels. Took 4 months already. i readdy hope you play it. I will Put the Download Link here, i am not sure how i can give you the key to access the download tho, i will figure that out and give an update to that, so you can actually download it. still putting the link up already: 

>>Splatoon - Lucid World (AKA the first Part of The soon coming Main Game "Splatoon - The Golden Eye Arc)<<

If you want you can watch this kind of teaser trailer on my youtube channel with a little bit of gameplay to show what it looks like. To Watch the Video Click Here:

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I Would really love if you read it all and give me feedback and even doing me the favours i asked for in the post. Maybe Watch atleast the video or idk. Hope i can get any Followers for this project i talked about, i dont really wanna do it for noone, y know.

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