This all started with a domino effect, and I have a lot to get off my chest. First of all, I would like to apologize for releasing this in the first place. But this is all I can do, it's most I'm capable of doing.
So, how did all of this start? It started with Tewi Inaba, 'cause Tewi wanted to revive FREA$HCAMP with ASDF. I didn't say no, because they both wanted to revive it again. I was bored so I also wanted to make something for it.
A couple minutes before all this, I showed Tewi the video that started it all. The first FREA$H incident. In the video, I show the website that MATT FREA$H made under my email. This was just scratching the surface, but at the time I had no idea how much more was about to unravel. You can read the story in full detail in the description of "meet the posses".
The album cover also means something. Every belonging represents something about me.
The shirt in the background is the iconic Eray & Hits shirt and it's for the current state of Sonic4, the success that came with going through all that suffering and irrelevancy for a long time. The PSP represents the joy of nostalgia for my childhood, the Louis V. wallet represents my love for spending money, the camera represents my old identity as Sonicthehedgeho4, the iPod Touch represents my love for music, and the Fumo represents my fascination with Touhou being the main inspiration for the 'good shit' that I've put out recently.
The song isn't the main point of this release, the main point of this release is to send out a message. A serious message. No one takes me seriously, no one takes Teat Thew seriously, because this is a problem that only seems to affect me. With this release, I want to show exactly how serious I am about this. I want to tell everyone what happened, who this fucking kid is, and everything that he has done to taint my label. I stayed up the whole night to compile all this info.
meet the posses by Eray & Hits
So what now? What's Teat Thew gonna do? Is he gonna steal this too? Maybe, or most definitely. Will he be scared away by the amount of info I've gathered on him and the lengthy paragraphs I've written about him? ...Probably not. As I said right front, this kid is so retarded that he probably can't read. He can't speak, he can't understand English. Even if you talk to him in his native language, all he does is mash his keyboard like a fucking mentally impaired toddler.
So was all of this for nothing? No. This release is to bring awareness to the situation for everyone else. Teat Thew isn't going to stop any time soon, but I just wanted to see how far I could go with it.
And with that... Time for some news.
Tewi is the true savior of Sonic4 Test Records. She loves and cares about the label more than myself, has a bigger passion for making shit more than myself, and overall loves to make me work.
I'm trying to recover from this incident, trying to get my self-respect back. Trying to get my pride back. Trying my best to not be a lazy-ass owner, I promise. I might fail at it, but I don't care.
Anyways. The news are roughly the same, so I'm going to go over them quickly.
Tewi's going to release something on Sonic4 Test Records again, I'm just waiting for more information on it. I might make a harsh noise album with or without ASDF in the future, but who knows. Alice98 might make a third album of the distressed audio series with or without 3 other people in the future, but who knows. And I might continue updating my website in the future, but who knows.
And I guess that's all, really. It's 4:30 AM and I wanna sleep. I stayed up the whole night yesterday, remember? Yeah. I love y'all. I love my friends. See y'all later.
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isnt tewi inaba the bunny girl from touhou
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HOLD ON you gotta see the latest blog
by Sonic4; ; Report