Hellenism and Greek Mythology: Greek Pantheon.

What is Hellenism?

First of all, What is Hellenism? It is a religion based on the beliefs, rites and celebrations of ancient Greece, all times focused on the Gods of the Greek Pantheon. This religion does  not forced you to know any kind of witchcraft, in case you think about that, apart from the fact that you are not obliged to make a physical altar (due to the clear economic expense, in the same way it is fine if you have a simple or digital altar, I assure you that the Gods will not be bothered by that, on the contrary). 

This religion is based on the ancient philosophy of the Greeks, that is, you can read books about philosophers of that time if you want to have a more open mind regarding a variety of things, I don't know if you really understand what I'm trying to say, but I hope so. I'll start talking about some Olympian Gods (Of which there are twelve).


King of the gods, whose symbols are: The eagle, the bull, the scepter, the crown, the lightning, the clouds. Zeus has te office of being the god of lightning, sky and storm, facther of gods and men and supreme lord of Olympus. (If you wish to know his epithets or his offrerings, or of any other deity, do not be afraid to tell me). Its representative colors are: Blue, gray, purple and electric blue. Its representative plant is the oak.


Its symbols are: Crown "Polos",throne, pomegranate, poppy, scepter. Hera holds the office of Goddess of marriage, the sky and the stars, supreme ruler of Olympus. Its representatite color is light blue and its representative plant is pomegranate and lily


 God whose symbols are: Trident, horse, bull and dolphin. His job as a deity is to be the God of seas and earthquakes, creator of islands and responsible for shipwrecks, protector of fishermen and sailors. Its representatitve colors are cyan, turquoise and blue and its plant is pine. 


Goddess whose symbols are: Spear, gorgon head, shield, owl. Her job as a deity is to be the goddess of war, wisdom, reason, strategy, science, victory, crafts, art and inventions. Its representative colors are blue, gray, yellow, violet or purple. 


Who is the mother goddes of crops, agriculture and the earth, whose symbols are: Sickle, torch, plow, pigeons, bees and pigs. Its representative color are scarlet, military green and brown. Its representative plant is wheat.


Goddess of love (In the erotic sense in ancient Greece), beauty, sensuality and young women. Its symbols are: Sealshells, ,mirrors, belts or girdles, sea foam, pigeons, geese, sparrows and turtles. Its representative color are green, sky blue and white, its representatitev plants are roses, myrtle, pomegranate, apple, anemone and poppy.


The god of physical disability, forcing, fire, artisans, blacksmiths, sculptors, metals and metalllurgy. Its symbol are: Fire, copper, bronze, hammer, anvil,axe, donkey, dog, crane. Its representative colors are gray, silver, black and red, it does not have representative plants. 


God of war, violence, masculine virility adn weapons, his symbols are: Shields, spear, helmet, vulture, dragon,snake, swan, owl, chariot, torch. Its representative colors are the embroidery, red, gray, gold, black and ir does not have representative plants. 


God messenger, of thieves, borders, travelers, ingenuity and commerce, he is also the guide of soul to Hades or the underworld. Its symbols are; Caduceus, winged sandals, flate, cow, ram, falcon, tortouse and hare. Its representative color are saffron, gold and green, and its representative plants are strawberries and saffron. 


Goddess of the hunting, animals and forest, protector of girls, divine midwife, goddes of virginity, whose symbols are: Bow and arrow, torch, deer, dog, bear, quail, bees, (She can sometimes be associated as part of a triad along with Hekate and Selene, Selene being the full moon, Hekate the new moon and Artemis the crescent  moon). Its representative colors are: Green and white, and its representative plants are: amaranth, palm, cypress, peanuts and wormwood.


God of light, livestock, protector of children, archery, music, art, medicine, oracles, divination, sudden death, plagues and diseases, Its symbols are: Bow and arrow, lyre, the tripod, swan, mice or rats, the crown, the solphin and the wolf. Its representative colors are: Gold, yellow and whute, with laurel, hyacinth and sunflower being its representative plants. 

Hestia and Dionysus

In some Myths Dionysus is named as part of the twelve Olympian gods, in some Hestia is anmed, in my case i will take Dionysus as part of the twelve Olympian gods. Because it is said taht once Dionysus become a god, Hestia offered to stop being a goddess of the twelve principals, to leave the position to Dionysus.


God of wine, fertility, madness, ecstasy, ritual madness and sexuality, he is a masculine god with an energy that goes more to the femenine. Its symbols are: Thyrsos, ivy crown, leopard, panther, donkey, bull, its representative colors are dark green and violet, its representative plant is grape, ivy and pine. 

Well, this was longer than I expected, this is more slight things than I have learned from people who belong to the religion of longer or fore books. What would you like me to talk about in another blog? I am sorry if you do not understand everything, I'll try to translate as best as posible with the help of my own knowledge and the translator. 

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