Exploring a haunted (?) house!!! (Kinda)

First of all sorry if this blog layout kinda sucks, my laptop broke and coding in your phone with a slow wifi is a pain in the ass.....


SO I made a bulletin explaining a dream i had a few days ago in case you missed it i talked about my grandparents house (that im currently in) being a family apartment, like each of my uncles and aunt have a house in that apartment and its really fun

I however didnt talk about the third floor, the last floor because that's where my uncle and his wife and kids used to live before they changed countries so their house is completely empty and dusty.

I have two cousins around my age - One that is 16 (we'll call her Nina) and one that is 13 (we'll call her Maya), (Maya does not live in the family house) but Nina does, and she lives in the floor right below my uncle's old house.

Yesterday i was having a sleepover with her and she told me about how sometimes she hears furniture being dragged in the third floor and things falling, which is NOT NORMAL considering the fact that no one lives in the third floor besides my uncle that is no longer here...

it could be my other uncles and aunts sure, but she told me that the sounds really felt like they came from the room and who in their lovely right mind would decide that 3AM was the perfect time to move around furniture.

I was a bit skeptical at first cuz Nina loves to make pranks (she once pranked me into thinking she was her school therapist and that i took an appointment with her, i have never spoken to her school therapist in my life. and she actually managed to convince me to bring my ass to the school (that is pretty far from my grandparents house) and when i told her "i'm at the school where you at" she told me "??? i was joking i thought that was obvious" i wanted to kill her that day omg. also a few days ago she lighted up a lighter and sprayed anti-bug spray multiple times in front of me and Maya and almost set the house on fire. i have video footage.

In short : Nina's a little shit that is 16 but acts like she's 4 and a half.

SO YEAH AS I SAID - i was a little skeptical, but to prove her point we pulled an all nighter and around 2AM I HEARD THE FURNITURE!!!!!! It was like super creepy as shit because as she said it genuinely feels like it's right up. I heard them again at like 4AM and it was less scary this time because the sun started rising but stillllllll........So i contacted Maya who's coming for tonight's sleepover and we have a plan :

We called it "Operation Jinn" (it's a bit hard to explain what exactly a jinn is, but in my religion it's basically like a invisible civilization of beings like us, we can't see them but they can see us and each jinn is an individual with a life just like ours, like they have their own religion ect...the only thing is they don't appear in the day (i think) and some don't care for humans while some may have malicious intents, and some may even be visible to the human eye, which is why we always have to look at someone's shadow if we suspect them of being a jinn : jinns don't cast shadows, since they're beings made of fire. not sure what is exactly means, but yeah.) (this is an explanation based off my current knowledge and has a 100% chance rate of being wrong)

Me and my cousins kinda suspect it's one but not really, Maya doesn't believe us at all and thinks it's probably the neighbors, even though there's no way it's them. gosh guessing by the way she's acting she genuinely looks like the oldest XD she's even taller than both of us. i'm in the middle and i'm the shortest sigh.

ANYWAYS so getting back on track because i clearly have a problem with my blabbering : It's currently 5PM here in Algeria and we're planning on around 10PM start this operation. It'll follow like this :

Step one - Before the sun sets, we are going to completely clean my uncle's terrace (cause lucky him he had a terrace), we may spend the night stargazing but nothing's completely sure yet since i'm not 100% positive my mom and Maya's mom will allow us to do that. (i'll ask once my mom and maya come home)

Step two - at exactly 10 PM, we sneak out collectively while bringing with us everything we need (flashlights, snacks, our phones, a charger, my sketchbook just in case i feel like drawing and my switch so we can all play minecraft.) i know it's probably not that big of a deal and the worst thing we can possibly find is an army of flying roaches, (which i hope with all my heart never actually happens) but you never know maybe we can find something!!!

Step Three - WE EXPLORE. We look at everything, make sure to not make too much noise so we can hear if there's anyone.

Step Four : If we're allowed, we spend the night stargazing, playing minecraft and probably sleeping. I heard there's supernovae in the sky that is very bright, I'm gonna make sure to make a bunch of research on it before going up so that i can find it and learn more about it. fun fact it would quite literally be my dream if i ever saw Betelgeuse explode WHICH, has a 99.999% won't happen in my lifetime but a woman can always dream. please explode little star, please explode............

We probably won't find anything but if we do find something i will be the happiest woman alive!! I will update u guyz on what happens, we may end up finding a dark world after all, or one of us ends up in the same situation as Dess Holiday XD

This was REALLY REALLY long, so thank u sm for reading everything!!!

Have a nice day 🧡💚

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