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Category: Life

i want to quit school in order to go to work

this is an actually serious post, ignore if u want lol

seriously, i prefer working to going to school because i dont have to deal with annoying retards that think its funny to pee in the soap dispensers of the school bathrooms (i am not kidding, people do that in my school and its fucking gross, but i have to admit that the principal yelling about piss for like 10 minutes is pretty funny) and that make fun of me and bully me. my depression gets worse when i am anywhere near that place. im on summer break now buti used to get anxiety attacks frequently during the school year. i only have one year left but i really want to never see these people again, although it is impossible considering we all live in the same area. 

i dont do the best at school and never cared about what happens to me in the future. never been interested in anything nor had any significant career aspirations (appart from wanting to become a jedi as a kid lol). i got a part time job recently but it was only for a few weeks. me and my coworkers became close, i was good at my job and i honestly felt so nice about it. i actually had fun. i enoyed something. i usually dont enjoy myself cuz i barely feel any connection to life appart from the little bubble ive gotten so comfortable in in order to prevent myself from getting hurt when people treat me like shit. 

i just want to escape those immature kids that cause me so much unhappiness. maybe im being just as immature as they are for thinking dropping out will be my remedy but they have ruined my life so much it cant be fixed. i am a social reject among my age group and most of my friends are adults, which isnt bad but i feel lonely most of the time due to how difficult it is for my friends and i to hang out and stuff. 

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TBABY's profile picture

honestly its your last year, i think you should try to stick it out. If you do decided to drop out im sure you will thrive, but you've gone this far and persevered for this long i feel like it would really suck to throw in the towel now.
i wish you luck for whichever you choose!!

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kitkatanddog's profile picture

do we go to the same school? we also have the same problems with immature students who do nothing but cause drama & make everyone else anxious & miserable, so I totally get you wanting to run away from them, because I often have the same thoughts. I'm pretty sure one of our school leaders gave all of us a lecture at assembly over a very similar situation (though they did name & shame one kid in particular, which seemed morally wrong to me). like you said, it was, objectively, pretty funny. pissing everywhere but the bowl aside:
I don't think you're wrong in saying that the people you go to school with have caused you real harm, & I agree that you would do well to get away from them as soon as you can. it's up to you whether that'll look like dropping out now or waiting until you finish your next year; this is always a contentious topic, even amongst my irls & I, so I can't really offer advice on that.
it sounds like you would do really well, though, to leave the area for a while (if possible) after leaving school to experience life somewhere else- it doesn't have to be across the world, but having something to look forward to might help your current misery seem less pointless.
think about what you enjoyed about your part-time job to help you find work in the future. it sounds like it was a really good experience for you & you might even be able to find some healing in that sort of environment, amongst people who you feel great around.
there is hope! even if it seems so far off!

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HATSUNE MIKU !!'s profile picture

i can genuinely agree, i may not experience the same thing you have. but all i can say is it would be better to finish the last year off school, yes it will be a pain in the ass, yes it will be HARD. but its better to have a degree than working at the local Tesco.

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not to be an annoying validation seeking prick but i dont know what to study or do with my life lmfaooo i just exist ig. ill finish my last year and then study something probably (hopefully)

by NeonForceFairy87; ; Report


Cassie's profile picture

I'd say do what you want, honestly. I kinda did the same thing. I dropped out at 16, and I'm currently working on getting my GED and getting a job; it's not too bad so far, but that's just from my experience.
But I'd say just go for it if you want, as long as you have a plan - Like where you want to work, if you haven't found that yet before quitting school.
Good luck with whatever you do!

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Adding onto this comment, I went through the same shit at my old High-school. Bullies, just assholes in general, teachers who didn't gaf, all that's why I dropped out. It might have been a mistake, but at the end of the day, I'm glad I did it and got away from those people. Being out of public school has helped with my social anxiety, and public fears honestly.
All I have planned for my future so far is; get my GED, get a job tbh. Again, hope everything turns out well for you!

by Cassie; ; Report

i am going to finish my last year of school and see what i can do from that point on. i have been told im not as bad as i think i am at like linguistics and i do love writting so maybe i will try to do something related to that. thanks tho and i hope everything goes well for you too1!

by NeonForceFairy87; ; Report

That's good to hear, hope it all works out ^_^

by Cassie; ; Report