Thinking about changing my style

Summertime loneliness is in full swing, and I might be in the middle of a style shift. In the past, I never really had much of a style. I kinda just wore whatever was bought for me with little exceptions. I don’t really like doing that anymore though. Slowly but surely, my interest in fashion has been shifting over the past few months. Now, I think I kinda locked in the idea of what kind of stuff I wanna wear. I guess, if I had to describe the style I wanna dress in, it would be “older brother core”. It just looks so cool, and I’m really drawn to the look.

I’ll go further into what I’m thinking of. Basically, I really like band tees, so I wanna wear more of those. And recently I’ve gained a fascination with baggy black jeans. I love the look, and I feel kinda cool wearing them (that might be a little cringe, but whatever lol). I kinda wanna dye my hair a darker colour too. Right now it’s auburn, but I kinda wanna dye it a darker brown. I also want to get a piercing. I’m thinking particularly either an eyebrow piercing, a nose piercing (not septum), or a lip piercing. I’ve also become more interested in the idea of tattoos, but I don’t really have anything I wanna get tattooed right now. Finally, I kinda wanna borrow some fashion ideas from a close friend of mine. He always wears some kind of necklace or chain, and a bunch of rings on his fingers. Often a watch too. I wanna adopt those into my style, because I think they look really cool.

Anyway, this was just something I’ve been thinking of recently and I wanted to talk about it. Plus, I haven’t really posted in a while, and the last thing I talked about was some shitty depressing rant. So yeah, thanks for reading a guess! :)

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weirdhouseplant's profile picture

Do it! have fun with how you dress

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