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Category: Writing and Poetry

collection of quotes

a collection of quotes from a wide variety of media

[NOTE: some of these quotes may be a bit unsettling, many mentions of death, especially with women..]


 self-awareness really doesn’t mean shit, though. it is, in fact, little more than psychological masturbation, and has about the same net worth as a wad of semen in a handful of crumpled tissues. no cockroach ever desired not to be a cockroach, just because it knew it was a cockroach.” - Dead Inside, Chandler Morrison

• i want death neither behind nor in front, of me, but rather around me and within me. - Dead Inside, Chandler Morrison

she said, ‘be good with me, i grow

    so tired for shame’s sake, i shall die

if you say nothing:’ even so.

    and she is dead now, and shame put by.” 

The Leper, Poems and Ballads, Algernon Charles Swinburne


she had the human look of a domesticated animal.” - Tender is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica 

naming children after their parents is stripping them of an identity, reminding them who they belong to. ” - Tender is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica 

i don’t get why a person’s smile is considered attractive. when someone smiles,  they’re showing their skeleton.” - Tender is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica 

i’m thinking of ending things. once this thought arrives, it stays. it sticks. it lingers. it dominates. there’s not much i can do about it. trust me. it doesn’t go away. it’s there whether i like it or not. it’s there when i eat. when i go to bed. it’s there when i sleep. it’s there when i wake up. it’s always there. always.” - I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Lain Reid

but, the ugly marks are worth the momentary gain.” - Amanda Palmer

the death of a woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.” - Edgar Allen Poe


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"naming children after their parents is stripping them of an identity, reminding them who they belong to. ”

I'm named after my Dad and worst yet I look exactly like him. I feel like most of my life I've struggled trying to get out of his shadow and earning my own identity. I have a bad foot and cannot work due to some mental health problems I have. Whenever we talk Dad puts me down for being lazy or making excuses. It doesn't fit his definition of what success actually is. Success to me is doing the things you enjoy most. It's not worrying about what other people say or do. It's keeping your head on straight. It's paving your own way in life. Or in the words of the quote building your own identity. Good stuff so far.

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i see where you’re coming from, and i’m sorry for your experience. it’s hard to live with mental issues, and i understand how that is. i myself have sociopathic tendencies, and ADD. of course, i’m not trying to overshadow you, just a bit of a mutual understanding.

life is hard, especially to those who already have it pretty difficult. i’m glad you’re in the hands of your family, living on your own, especially with such circumstances sounds horrible.

i’m glad you decided to bring this up, it’s nice to know you feel comfortable enough sharing such things with me.

by Viviemortis; ; Report