Cypherxoxo's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Have you ever

used a fake ID?: no

watched the sunset?: yes

touched a snake?: yes

felt an earthquake?: no

been tickeled?: yes

been robbed?: kinda? 

been misunderstood?: yes

won a contest?: no

been suspended from school?: yes

had detention?: yes

been in a wreck?: yes

had/have braces?: No

had a one night stand?: yes

danced in the moonlight?: No

hated the way you look?: yes

witnessed a crime?: yes

had deja vu?: yes

stripped for someone?: no? Ew

walked barefoot thru the mud?: hell no

been lost?: yes

been to the other side of the country?: no

swam in the ocean?: no, I've never even been lol

felt like you were dying?: I bled out and ODed alot, so yes

pole danced?: fuck nol

Played cops & robbers?:yeah

cried yourself to sleep?: yes

done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: yes

made prank phone calls?: no

caught a snowflake on your tongue?: no

kissed someone in the rain?: no

blowed bubbles?: yes

told a stranger you loved them?: wtf no

had a wish come true?: yes

jumped off a bridge?: no

kissed a fish?: ew, no

ate dogfood?: gross no

sang in the shower?: a few times

had sex in the woods?: no

had sex in the park?: it was a blowjob

had sex in the car?: no

had sex in the pool?: gross

sat on a roof top?: yeah

worn the opposite sex clothes?: when I was tiny

had sex at a church?: no

screamed at the top of your lungs?: yeah

stayed up all night?: regrets (yes) 

didn't take a shower for a week?: idk maybe? Awhile ago tho

climbed a tree?: yeah

believed in ghosts?: yes

been streaking?: wtf no! 

been skinny dipping?: never

been to jail?: I've been arrested but not charged

been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: several times

been pushed into a pool?: Yes

played chicken?: idk what it is

broken a bone?: yes

been easily amused?: yeah

caught a fish, & ate it?: not yet

made a porn video?: no

had nude photos taken of you?: yes

laughed so hard you cried?: yeah

cried so hard you laughed?: no

caught a butterfly?: yes

mooned/ flashed someone?: that's disgusting

had someone moon/flash you?: yes, lots

licked a cat?: when I was little

forgotten somone's name?: absolutely

went scuba diving/snorkeling?: no

bitten someone?: yes

been kicked out of your house?: lmao yes but they let me back inside

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