"Hey, it's Hannah, Hannah Baker.
That's right. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're listening to
this on. It's me, live and in stereo."
This quote gimme chills. I've already watched the series and read the book, and man, i don't think i'll forget this so early. If you've already watched it too, you understand me, i know you do. And i bet you still have nightmares with that Tyler's scene in the bathroom. Yeah, it was cruel of me, sorry.
But the thing is I like this series a lot due to one factor:everything that happens there, happens in the real world too. Some friends of mine don't like it, they think it's too dramatic, but real life is like that too, it's just that in the most of the cases we don't care, because that's how the society works, we're just a bunch of egocentric and individualist people.
Something that really caught me on this show is how our actions have an effect on other people, we are always thinking "no, it's just a silly joke, they don't really care", and guess what? They do. All the Hannah's story started with an innocent kiss and people gossiping about it. And then comes the list. And the photo. And the sex assault. And so on.
How many times did you gossip about somebody because you heard someone talking shit about them? I guess too many times, more than you can tell, right? Humans are such strange creatures... We are always talking about somebody's life without even knowing the truth and without even caring... So why do we keep doing that? Why are we so mean to each other? Why can't we all get along and be happy?
Most of the times, we don't really have any reason for that, we just do it, that's how people are. And what makes more sad is when I see girls being jerks to girls. Like, aren't we supposed to stick together?
Last year, that was a girl in my class that used to just hang with the boys and stuff, i used to be her friend but we weren't really that close and in a random day i just stopped talking to her. The popular girls and my group of friends didn't like her, they used to say that she was a dumb bitch because the boys that she hung out didn't really enjoy her company, they just felt sorry for her and they didn't know how to ask her to leave them alone. All I can think is how those boys were way more emphatic than the girls, that rejected her just because she was a little different. And do you want to know something? That girl is actually super cool, fun and smart. And I'm really glad that now she has good friends that truly care for her, because that's something that everyone deserves.
I'm not trying to play the moralist here, that's just something that I think about sometimes. I can be as mean as those girls, and I were. I feel really bad about it and I hope I'll never be like that again.
Good night.
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