nikkii's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

help me

how do i make a layout!!

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xXNymph.Not.PsychXx's profile picture

Heyo!! So I'm not an expert or anything so idk how helpful I can be, but if you go to edit your profile there's a box that says code which will change like the bg and the colors n allat if you add code to it. You can add code to pretty much everywhere! Idk how to make it but ik if you go to the layouts tab you can find a bunch of cool shit from bgs to set ups to stamps and gifs and pics n blinkies you can add all over your page!! Just be sure to let the ppl know you're using their code if they ask and credit if they ask as well! Hope this helps a lil bit!! :D <3

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thank you!!! :33

by nikkii; ; Report

Ofc! :3

by xXNymph.Not.PsychXx; ; Report