Like I get the whole "old internet" thing but like... I don't think we should be blaming kids for being groomed??? Idk crazy opinion ig
like the groomer IS the problem, right????
Like I get the whole "old internet" thing but like... I don't think we should be blaming kids for being groomed??? Idk crazy opinion ig
like the groomer IS the problem, right????
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i think you should learn to fucking read. people are saying to not put yourself at a higher risk of getting groomed by saying stuff like "im hypersexual" on the interent where anyone on earth could see it
I just don't think we should blame kids for being groomed... maybe you could blame the parents for not teaching them internet safety but it definitely isn't the kids fault...
by Tragic Girl <3; ; Report
π»ππΌπΏπΈπ΄ π’πΏπͺπͺππΌπΈ
who thinks grooming is COOL??
I've seen so many of those posts and it's like "hey maybe if you do t wanna get groomed you should like know somethings off and like not fall for it?? Duh??" And some ppl are like "don't put your sexuality in your bio" "don't talk Abt being hypersexual online" and it's like um maybe don't give kids unrestricted internet access?? Like groomers prey on kids BC they don't know what grooming looks like, they can't just notice off behavior and go "ah yes this is a warning sign I'm going to block and report this fiend", they're naive, they're trusting, they're brains aren't fully formed. They need to be taught Abt this shit at the absolute bare minimum, REALLY taught. And like kids are unfiltered they don't know any better most of the time. The problem isn't them saying it the problem is no one telling them and properly explaining to them WHY they shouldn't be saying these things online (like the hypersexuality n other sexual topics kids shouldn't be discussing, not putting that you're queer in your bio that's just straight homophobia) and predatory adults seeing these posts and taking advantage of and manipulating minors. I'm tired of seeing ppl trying to justify victim blaming it's disgusting.
by Tragic Girl <3; ; Report
while it is true that someone should be able to look after themselves and know how to avoid triggering content the same does not apply to groomers. grooming is a long process that involved heavy manipulation and it is not the same as falling for obvious ragebait. the people calling out call outs (kinda ironic) seem to miss this vital point
idk how to take this comment bc I'm kinda stupid but i respect the input?? Like idk if i fell for the ragebait as much as thats literally the only posts on here rn... just putting my opinion out there lolz
by Tragic Girl <3; ; Report
people that talk about the "old internet" thing and call people sensitive usually put groomering in the same box as obvious ragebait and edgelords iq it was more of a reply to that since you menioned the "old internet" thing
by Mel; ; Report