BRAH bro thiz iz totally NOT epik at all but A HURRICANE went thru our place and tha powerz been out for FOUR DAYZ SO FAR (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾) so we're running away to my Gigi's houz cuz she haz powur. Alzo we gon go to Schlitterbahn?!11?2!!2 wich will be a traditun nao cuz wen hurrican Harvey happend like it hit uz HAARRD we had fishiez in our front yard and we had to evacuate via garbage truck but then we went to Schlitterbahn too once we got safe and alzo it will be a late birthdae prezent for Mai friend or well now I fear hez my non legally adopted brothur nao cuz hiz mom is dying and hiz dad hitz him :( I'm an onli child so idk how I'm gonna deal with it (ʘᗩʘ’) and it'z been hard helping Mai mom take care of hiz in our houze, (she'z old cuz she'z actuly hiz g-ma, but she'z moar of a mom then hiz bio one zo.)

Power go bye
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