The amount of times I've had to tell myself not to physically attack someone because they cannot seem to stop PUBLICLY hating on something they very clearly don't understand is unholy.
I just wanna get it out of the way at the start here that my rule of thumb and the rule I live by for this stuff is; if it isn't harming anyone or yourself, and it makes you happy or solves a problem, IT IS VALID. Obviously, there will be situations where this can't apply, but it works for me.
I know that a hell of a lot of people don't have that mindset, especially towards therians and/or furries. As someone who is both of these things, here are some facts to know if you happen to want to actually learn about it.
1. WE ARE NOT ZOOPHILES!!!11!11!. LOOK IT UP. Zoos are disgusting people and its horrific that a simple hobby is in the same mixing pot as that.
2. Therians and furries are different things!!11. A therian is someone who identifies (non-physically) as a non-human species, and a furry is someone who cosplays as an animalistic character. Ill drop a link to a site if you wanna learn more about the difference.
My take on this stuff is it is not justified to hate on something before at the VERY least doing your research on what it is. If you really want to say something, and you understand what you're hating on, I coundn't care less honesty.
That said, DEATH THREATS ARE A FEDERAL CRIME IN MOST PLACES!!!!11! If you really feel the need to threaten someone with taking their life because they wore a felt mask or walked on all fours, I beg of you- seek actual help. You clearly need some outlet of anger, and getting pissed over felt and glue is not a healthy way to do that. Im being serious when I say that therapy helps.
One last point id like to make is that the majority of therians are actually neurodivergent (including myself), and they might use this as some form of coping mechanism. It helps people with mental issues and gives their mind something to focus on at their lowest. It is healthy, its not satanic. If you consider a hobby satanic, then I don't know how to help you :/.
Thank you for reading all of this if ur still here !!1
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