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Category: Life

Fuck this superficial society and fuck capitalism too.


Hi guys, i want to discuss some topics today but before this i want to make some things clear: english is not my first language, i actually speak portuguese and even though i have been taking english courses for five years i don't really think that it's enough, it always seems like i don't have vocabulary enough and that i don't know how to structure senteces, but i have decided that i don't give a fuck about that because im just writting in english to practice and i don't have any obligation to know all the words, grammar rules or whatever. So from now i will stop consulting the translator, i'll just write how it feels right, if there is sth wrong pls correct me, and i think that's it. i truly hope you guys understand me, i'm trying  really hard to.

Okay, now that we're done i'll say what i wanted to say.

Did you ever feel like you want to know all the things in the world? Like really? Today i was feeling this way. Idk, i just wish i could know all the sociological theories and all this smart stuff. There is a theory that i'm really fixed these days: The Liquid Modernity. This was one of the subjects of my sociology test and due to this i had to read some articles about it and watch some videos too. The thing is that i ended up completely obssessed by this, it seems like it explain all the society dynamics and much more. Basically, this states that once the society was solid, but now, with all the social medias and the cultural industry, the society turned liquid, unstable.

For example, friendship. Idk abt u guys, but sometimes it seems that i have no real friends, no one that i can count or rely on. Don't get me wrong, i like 'em, it's just that all the talks and interactions feel so superficial... This is one of the phenomenes (im sure this is totally wrong but whatever) of the liquid modernity. And wait, do you think that's all? No, there's more, much more. 

Now let's talk a little about instagram, facebook, twitter an tiktok. Be honest, why do you sabotage yourself using this shits? And im not judging you, i don't even have the right to do so, im just asking. I mean, you waste your time watching things you don't really wanna watch, u feel bad abt yourself because you're not as perfect as the internet influencers, you stop caring about the real life and real connections, all this to what cost? Some likes? More followers? Escape from reality?

And just so you know, procrastinating is >also<  related to the liquid modernity, and the liquid modernity is deeply related to this damn thing called capitalism. And i hate all this.
Oh, love is also affected by this. Nowadays looks like that people are afraid of being in a relationship, of having emotional responsability, so they just have occasional dates and hook ups or cheat on their partners. I think it's so sad and lonely. Who could ever imagine this: people afraid of people. It seems like a joke. And i dont find it funny at all.

8 Kudos


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Cat's profile picture

This is def a real phenomenon that needs to explored more, thank you!

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I totally agree with you! Hey, just for curiosity, are you new on spacehey? If you are, I hope you're enjoying this website as much as me =)

by bebela; ; Report

I am new and yes I'm enjoying the website a lot! Thank you

by Cat; ; Report