Starting college soon and im making some lists of the things i should get... other than like the MOST basic essentials, what are some things i might need? like what are some things you dindt think about at first but then realised u needed later on?

college essentials?
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I don't know about your college, but I always buy my books *after* the syllabus day. I've had way too many instances where I wasted money on textbooks that we never even opened for the course, or the prof ends up putting the PDF online. Unless it is stated that it's 200% required, wait.
Never buy books from the college bookstore, they will always be overpriced.
Invent in a Brita filter for your fridge and a filtered waterbottle. Sometimes campus water can be iffy - I can taste the copper in my campus water, it's gross. Having a water bottle also saves you money so you're not spending on drinks all the time.
Buy soup, or easy meals for when you're not feeling good. Get Nyquil, Tylenol, or any other medications. Your first time being sick at college will feel very, very odd (if you have a stable relationship with your family and they take care of you when you're sick). Get a first aid kit while you're at it.
Get a collapsible laundry basket if you don't have one already. That thing has been oddly useful during my college years.
Look for a cheap and small vacuum so you're not having to borrow the shitty campus one (unless it's really nice, but still, it's convenient to have your own).
Around the time the semester starts up, if I need it, I'll invest in some new sneakers. It's not the most obvious thing but new and comfy shoes make a hell of a difference when you're walking 70% of the day.
*Invest in a Brita filter
Seriously. A good water bottle and filter saved me so much money
by Hazel; ; Report
"Few" wise words. Functionally ugly things will make you hate going to class, hate your homework, and hate your dorm room.
- You're gonna hate looking at your un-personalized canvas dashboard so download the "better canvas" extension and go crazy, homework will feel at least a little less sickening.
- If there's anything you splurge on besides books and a mattress get a nice sturdy bag that's not going to break after 1 school year. Don't use a boring trashy looking school bag that you think is ugly. You're gonna be carrying that thing around every single day and you're gonna feel like a bum just looking at it. Let's face it you're already wearing your dora pjs and shoes that look like you just don't care because you're over it, so why make yourself feel even bumier (if thats even a word)
-Customize your study desk, it doesn't even have to be expensive you only need like 2 or 3 nice looking things. You need actual space to actually study on it anyways.
-And for GOODNESS sake stop shopping on amazon for overpriced stationery. It doesn't take a multi millionaire to decorate your notebook with a little craft glue and dollar tree ribbons.
Honestly unless you think you're REALLY gonna need it don't get it. On the flip side, don't bring just 3 boxes like I did.
What I found useful was: My Microwave, A shower caddy, shower shoes, multiple towels, a BIG trash can (small ones get full way to fast). A bean bag or something similar would always be fun too.
I will be going to my second year come August and along with the things listed above I will also be brining: an electric tea kettle/water boiler. It's so nice to have so you don't have to boil water in a microwave. I will also be bringing a tapestry because our dorms don't have curtains. A matt that goes outside of your shower is also a must have or else you'll get water EVERYWHERE.
OKAY TY<3 ill add this stuff to my list
by eviexx; ; Report
a good mattress cover!! the mattresses are usually plasticky and feel stiff, so something comfortable especially if youre going to be in this dorm for a while.
by eviexx; ; Report
Oo this is so helpful I'm also starting college!!
Hi hello I'm going into my Junior year here's what I've got from my experience. Honestly, if you don't use it on a regular basis, don't bring it. You can always pick up things later on if you need them. In my freshman year the first few things I didn't realize I would need (mostly for my dorm) were Scissors and Painter's tape (to safely hang up posters and stuff).
For academic stuff though I would suggest notebooks out the wazoo. I know it's different for everyone but I had initially planned on typing up my notes until circumstances made me realize that hand-writing them was much more convenient. I suggest erasable pens for note taking, too. Makes it a lot more fun to take notes in different colors hehe.
If your campus is anything like mine, you'll end up with tooooons of free shit from events, too. I have so many shirts from events I could make them my entire wardrobe. Also, go to campus events!! Any opportunity to get freebies is an event worth going to and it's nice to have stuff to do on campus. Trust.
Shower Shoes and a Shower Caddy are a must, and I also suggest bringing a robe for traveling to and from the shower. Laundry money, too!! Unless your student ID holds a balance, you should have money for laundry (quarters, usually). Also unlike high school it's cool to be prepared for the weather when you're in college. Bring an umbrella and a jacket!! Also a floor lamp might be useful, overhead dorm lighting can be harsh so having another light source can be nice.
Idk what your dorm will look like, but in my dorm I definitely have to have wall decor so it doesn't feel like I'm in a cell. A few posters will definitely break up the monotony. Room-Cleaning stuff is also important: disinfectant wipes, a broom/Swiffer, paper towels, and air freshener. Also avoid fluffy rugs. Having a rug is fine, but Sherpa or fluffy rugs get so gross so quickly. Honestly I'd also suggest not really listening to those TikTok slideshows that are trying to suggest stuff for freshmen. Some of them have good advice, but I feel like a lot of the time they're suggesting stuff that you won't really need.
I got kinda carried away there, sorry this is kinda long!! Good luck on your first year, though! College is what you make it, everyone's experience is different so take it one day at a time :)
omg thank you sm this was so helpful youre awesome
by eviexx; ; Report
Of course!! Glad I could help :)
by cherrystem_; ; Report
Angry Opossum
Mentally prepare yourself. Set reminders for everything! Remember, you will be in charge of attending classes, and classes are not like high school. So you will be in charge of waking up, getting dressed, and getting ready for your classes. Since I saw you may be living on campus, try to figure out how long it will take to get from your dorm to your class. So you can have a better sense of how long it will take to get to class from wherever your dorm is. Also, attempt to stroll about your campus before classes begin (assuming your dorm move-in date is before classes begin at your university) so you can see where your classes will be and avoid getting lost on the first day of class.
I have many many more helpful tips that I learned as I am in college and close to graduating so if you want more advice let me know!
yes pleaseee i wanna be prepared for everythingggg
by eviexx; ; Report
Sorry for the extremely late reply!! What else would you like tips on? (that may or may not have already been covered by me or others)
by Angry Opossum; ; Report
tips on making friends (besides just joining clubs and getting involved) what do i do if i have a bad teacher and what if my roommate is like crazy orr like tips on studying and things, that would be nice
by eviexx; ; Report
tips on making friends (besides just joining clubs and getting involved) what do i do if i have a bad teacher and what if my roommate is like crazy orr like tips on studying and things, that would be nice
It may seem difficult to make friends in college because everyone is everywhere and doing something, and most people are just in a rush to get to class, back home, or to work. But do not let that discourage you! You can make friends by joining university organizations or even in your classes. I know many people in my classes form study groups for the entire class.
If you have a bad professor, you can bring up their actions with the head of your college department. However, I recommend speaking with that professor. Also, refrain from calling them "teachers", they will correct you constantly. (For example, I go to a university. My university has different colleges. Those colleges have departments. I am studying communications, so I would speak with the head of the communications department of my major). However, sometimes nothing will happen. So honestly your best bet is to try and avoid horrible professors. You can use , I use it to see the ratings of the professors before I register for their classes, there you can see ratings of the professors on a scale of 0-5 and comments about that professor from other students.
For study groups, most universities have study groups for their classes made by students, so always keep a look out for those. Also, look for any tutoring available for the class you would be struggling with.
by Angry Opossum; ; Report
Aaaaand for a bad roommate? You can try to see if the housing department for your uiversity would be able to move you to another room. HOWEVER, keep in mind this entirely depends if there are any rooms still available for you to switch with, if any current student living on campus in the same student housing you reside in is willing to switch with you, and also if the housing you are staying in is run by your university6 and not an outside entity. I recommend contacting your housing office with that question in mind.
by Angry Opossum; ; Report
omg okay thank you so much <333
by eviexx; ; Report
For the love of god please get suspenders for your mattress topper. If not you WILL be waking up with it in the floor everyday
lolll i definitely will ty
by eviexx; ; Report