So me and Nat were in a group chat with Elliot. Well she left, I'm still there. I guess it's because I keep having huge personality switches and kind of tuning out what is going on that I don't want to be a part of and just talk to the person or peoples that aren't arguing. I don't get it because I don't remember anything happening that has to deal with online chat stuff and me fighting but I guess I don't remember for a good reason. But my mom used to get me vapes, I don't really remember when it happened, but then when I started going to the hospital things kinda changed. After the first time there, I had started smoking cigs and vaping more and when I went to Haven it was impossible to be without weed and nic so I was asked if I wanted nic gum. I said yes and they asked my mom if I could have it, she told them yes. Now like the first 3 times after the hospital I was given my vapes back because money wasn't that tight and I wasn't in and out. But then like during Summer break I was in for pretty much the rest of the Summer and when I got out of like the last time, my mom told me that it was about time that I stopped vaping, so she got me patches and gum like they had at the hospital. I got hella addicted to the gum and patches. So at a point, I started taking my moms vape and hitting it while she was asleep and this isn't a dispo, this is a 50% mod, so it hits hella hard. I would end up stumbling back in when I needed to put it back. I don't remember the first time I did it but I remember the times that I've gotten caught and played it off. Until it didn't work anymore and she got pissed. I get why, like she was spending all of this money, which was a whole lot more than it would be to get me normal nic, for me to not even be trying to stop nic. So then at some point she noticed I started I was hitting it in the morning and then I left my gum at home on accident and was losing my shit, she asked me what the matter was, I told her and she let me hit her stick. Then as money got tighter, she started letting me hit her nic and then she finally snapped when my gf was over and my mom had told me before we went to bed to wait until she woke up to hit her nic. I tried to sneak it out. I got in there, I did not get out. She woke up and lost her shit. Since that she's told me that I need to quit nic all the way. Cold fucking turkey. I get it and have weed but it still sucks. But like in the group chat after Nat left me, Elliot and Connor ended up talking about how Elliot needed to quit nic. He argued and said that he couldn't function without it. I am stuggling hella bad right now, but I'm doing things to destract myself. I've been smoking nic longer and stronger than he has. I get that our bodies are different but he was just arguing with us for like 2 hours. But then like we all went to bed. Elliot has been ragebaiting but he sucks at it and is just being a fucking bitch. Like he was bitching about how I had no responsibilities and stuff like that. All because me and Nat were bugging the whole group chat to call because we were bored and had nothing to do at the moment. I lost it, like honestly I have hella responsibilities and stress going on in my life. And he was only pissed and bitchy because he had to drive 3 hours to bring his grandma some drugs because she ran out and is sick. Now I would be more kind about that but I've had so much family go through things that way and are dead, I don't care. So I told him all the shit that is going on; my family barely has enough money to be able to keep the new cheaper house we just moved into, my mom is so sick and can't get surgery to remove the thing making her sick so it's breaking down the bones in her face and can end up killing her, my dad is in jail and the person that molested me is in jail and I am worrying about the court stuff. Like I went off and then he said that I get free money because my dad is supposed to pay child support. He hasn't paid it in 2 years now, and it's been like 10 years of him building up debt on top of that. Texas doesn't care about it being a felony that he's at, they care that he's doing drugs, I get it but it's stupid. Like just a whole shit ton of bitching happened last night. And when I told Elliot that we are poor asf, he told me to get a job. I have very high signs of DID and I do have PTSD and a few other mental things and haven't been able to have proper therapy for at least a month before I can get a job. Elliot told me to start selling drugs. I used to sell here and there but since I go off of the hardcore shit, I haven't even talked to anyone who knows or has any drugs like that. And if my mom found out, she would kill me, send me to Haven, and then Rehab then res. Not doing that at all. Like honestly Elliot is one of the most drug motivated people I've ever met. He's so fucking stupid, all he talks about is drugs and talks about making them and stuff. Also when Nat was in the chat, when we would get on a call, all he would do is bully he for no fucking reason. Like bruh I'm so done.
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