It's the summer break, and surprisingly enough, even a college student like me gets to enjoy it to the fullest, I spent the first month of this holiday carefree which is objectively amazing, knowing how stressful school can get. I sleep and wake up as I please, I move and leave my room however I wish, I get to go on walks with my old friends who live nearby from time to time, the people that I didn't get enough time to see when I had school. I'm somewhat back to digital drawing as I'm trying to sharpen up my skills, I'm hanging in there!
The only negative thing that I am actively trying to get myself over is the fact that I became somewhat distant to many people that I used be close with, I log in social media once or twice a day to roam a bit then get on my laptop, which is where I make art or watch stuff whether videos, anime or movies. And notably I'm more active in an online group in which I get to share my art, discuss things, or just listen to talk if they are on voice chat, I happened to go out with a couple of members of this group, they are just sweet and funny as they are online, I have so much love and admiration to these people.
It's already been a week out of July, everything is somewhat static, no big drama in my life except from my ex harassing me online but it's no big deal as he is easily shut down, for now I'm focusing on making art and enjoying my carefree lifestyle...Well, I hope I am not wasting my time nor my youth.
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