I hate orchestra sm. an orchestra rant

I cannot begin to describe the feelings i have for orchestra. I love orchestra and I've had some really good memories in the orchestra room, but I also hate orchestra smmmmm. I've got mixed feelings lol

I'm pretty sure my one reason i hate orchestra sm is my orchestra teacher. Literally the one reason I hate orchestra so much. And it's not even just me. It's almost everyone in orchestra who hates her and hates orchestra for no reason. Like, outside of orchestra, in other classes, my friends and I literally talk about how goofy she is and how we hate her so much and how she treats us.ย 

Why I hate my orchestra teachers so much

She puts so much pressure on everyone in orchestra, for one thing. And istg, she targets people, specifically me and my friends. Like she's nice sometimes, but that's literally to people who are in honor orchestra. (i was going to go to the audition for honor orchestra but I missed it because i had some other stuff going on) When I try to ask her for help with something, she literally tells me to back to my seat and she'll help me later but she never does so I feel like I can never actually get help from her. She does the most stupid things to 'help us' by treating us like 8 years old. She literally helps specific people and specific sections in orchestra that literally don't need help while the rest of us are struggling. She often helps first violin while second violin is struggling to play a piece when they don't need any help. When someone forgets their instrument or sheet music, she literally gets so mad and starts to lecture the student over the tiniest thing such as forgetting something in front of the whole orchestra. She's just so frustrating to have as a teacher. She often overreacts over minor things. +there have been incidents she has gotten mad at me for little reasons that get me so pissed at how poorly she treats me and some other students while she treats other students better

other things

She left my school this year at the end of the semester and I'm on summer break now, so I don't have to deal with her shit anymore, fortunately. I really hope my next orchestra teacher is nicer and will actually fucking help me. like no

Orchestra pros

As much as I hate orchestra, I've had really good times in orchestra. (Most of those times, my orchestra teacher was absent) Orchestra can be really fun and there could be nice teachers out there. I don't want anyone to change their mind about pursuing a musical interest js because of my rant. Orchestra is really fun and playing an instrument can be so so so sosososo fun. I love being with my friends laughing our asses off in the back and playing music pieces together.

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